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Missing Whistleblower Dr. Gal Luft Accuses Bidens of Using FBI Mole Named “One-Eye” to Leak Sealed SDNY Indictments to CEFC China Energy Partners, On the Same Day Hunter Biden Demanded Millions in WhatsApp Message, Citing Joe Biden’s Presence | The Gateway Pundit



Dr. Gal Luft, the Israeli professor and fugitive ‘missing whistleblower’ in the ongoing Biden corruption investigation, has come forward with new evidence.

Luft alleges that an FBI mole tipped off Hunter Biden and his Chinese partners at CEFC China Energy about sealed indictments filed against them by the Southern District of New York (SDNY) in 2017. This startling claim comes as part of an open letter to the House committee chairmen leading the impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden, according to the New York Post.

Luft was an adviser to CEFC China Energy (CEFC), a business conglomerate with extremely close ties to the Chinese Communist Party. He served alongside Hunter Biden.

CEFC Energy paid Hunter approximately $5 million in 2017 alone to secure energy deals in the United States, according to the Washington Free Beacon.

The Gateway Pundit reported back in February that Dr. Gal Luft, the co-director of the Washington-based Institute for the Analysis of Global Security, reportedly was going to reveal explosive information on the Biden Crime Family. He has been on the run for six months after skipping bail in Cyprus. Joe Biden’s DOJ arrested Gal Luft in Cyprus and accused him of being an arms dealer.

Luft explained to the New York Post’s Miranda Levine he fled Cyprus because he wanted to escape political prosecution and knew he would not get a fair trial in Washington, DC.

He was awaiting extradition to the United States on charges of gun-running and foreign lobbying, also brought by the SDNY.

Luft went on to tell the journalist that the date of his extradition order to America (November 1, 2022) was highly suspicious because it was seven days before the midterm elections when the Republicans were expected to win control of the House (which they narrowly did). Once in control, they were expected to investigate the corruption rampant within Biden family.

He also told Devine that House Republicans were preparing to interview him before he disappeared.

When it was clear the Republicans are going to win the House or the Senate, all of a sudden comes [GOP Rep. James] Comer and [GOP Rep. Jim] Jordan and the game is changing. There will be questions and subpoenas and investigations [so] they [the administration] have to discredit me. I never thought of coming forward. Through 2020 I sat quiet like a fish …

I didn’t want to get caught up in this game, but when they arrested me, I had no choice but to blow it up.

In July, Dr. Gal Luft released a 14-minute video to The New York Post detailing damning allegations against Joe Biden and his family in a massive international bribery scheme filmed in an undisclosed location while on the run from the Biden regime and Department of Justice.

Dr. Gal Luft: Under normal circumstances, I would be testifying before Congress about my experience with CFC. Sadly, due to circumstances I shall describe here in this video, I am forced to tell you this story via video.

One week after he released the video, the Justice Department indicted Gal Luft.

“LUFT, 57, a dual U.S.-Israeli citizen who formerly resided in both Maryland and Israel and is now a fugitive, has been charged with the following offenses, which carry the maximum prison terms listed below. The statutory maximum penalties are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant would be determined by a judge.” – the US Attorney’s Office of the Southern District of New York announced.

On Monday, the Post reported that in his letter to Reps James Comer (R-Ky.), Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), and Jason Smith (R-Mo.), Luft claims that the tip-off to CEFC executives occurred on the same day Hunter Biden sent a WhatsApp message to another CEFC employee, Raymond Zhao. In the message, Hunter demanded millions of dollars for a “highly confidential and time-sensitive” matter, stating that his father, Joe Biden, was present with him.

The WhatsApp message from Hunter to Zhao read: “I am sitting here with my father, and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction.”

According to Luft, CEFC executive Patrick Ho received an urgent call later that night from CEFC president Chan Chauto, instructing him to leave the U.S. immediately. Ho flew to Hong Kong the next day and remained there for four months.

Zhao responded to Hunter, stating that CEFC was willing to cooperate and that the priority was to “solve the problem mentioned last night.” Luft believes this “problem” was the sealed SDNY indictments. Within nine days, CEFC wired $5.1 million to U.S. entities to transfer to Hunter.

Luft, who had also been in partnership with CEFC, claims that Hunter had an FBI mole, nicknamed “One-Eye,” who tipped him off about the indictments. “The existence of a potential mole within the FBI and/or Justice Department has, apparently, to this day never been solved,” Luft wrote.

The tip-off came just days before a meeting between a CEFC employee and disgraced FBI agent Charles McGonigal, who had been surveilling Ho and his associates. McGonigal recently pleaded guilty to concealing cash payments from a former Albanian intelligence official.

Rep. James Comer described the information as “helpful” and expressed interest in investigating Luft’s allegations further. “We get a lot of tips, and the next step is to verify the accuracy of the claims,” he said.

Read more from the New York Post.

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