Home Politics Michigan Republicans Could Soon Face Felony Charges For Stealing Voting Machines

Michigan Republicans Could Soon Face Felony Charges For Stealing Voting Machines


The door has been opened for a group of Trump-supporting Michigan Republicans, some of them elected officials to face felony charges for stealing vote tabulators.

The Detroit News reported:

Laying the groundwork for potential criminal charges in a high-profile case, Oakland County Circuit Court Judge Phyllis McMillen ruled Wednesday it was illegal for someone to take possession of a voting tabulator without authorization from the Secretary of State or a court order.

McMillen issued her 13-page ruling Wednesday, stipulating that a Michigan law baring “undue possession” of a tabulator wasn’t limited to an ongoing election or to the period before results were tallied. Under state law, undue possession of a tabulator is a felony.

The Trump Republicans convinced officials in three Michigan counties to turn over the tabulators, which they took back to rental properties and hotels to access the data. The Trump supporters stole the tabulators because they were trying to find evidence of election fraud.

They found no fraud, but the ruling from the judge is that anyone engaging in such behavior if convicted has committed a felony.

Republicans in Michigan could soon be convicted felons because they listened to Donald Trump and believed his big lie about the election being stolen.

A Michigan prosecutor has said that Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani asked supporters in Michigan to seize voting machines.

Any Michigan MAGAs who get charged might be the tip of the 2020 plot iceberg, as accountability looks to be coming for Trump coup plotters.

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