Home Politics Mentally Deranged Washington Post Columnist Jen Rubin: ‘Republicans Want to Kill Your...

Mentally Deranged Washington Post Columnist Jen Rubin: ‘Republicans Want to Kill Your Kids’ (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit


Screenshot: Jen Rubin’s Green Room

Jen Rubin, a columnist for the Washington Post, has truly lost her mind.

This has been building for several years now. The 2016 election of Donald Trump broke her mind and since then, instead of finally coming to her senses, she has gotten progressively worse. This goes beyond Trump Derangement Syndrome. This woman obviously has serious mental health issues but for some reason, is still employed by the Post.

Rubin was recently doing some sort of podcast type of broadcast, and while offering political advice to the left, suggested saying that Republicans want to kill your kids, which she then tried to explain as factually true.

RedState has details:

The Post’s top editorialist kicked off the latest episode by ranting about President-elect Donald Trump’s Cabinet picks, referring to them as “a batch of clowns and freaks.”

She then proceeded to claim the throne of Queen of the clowns and freaks, urging the media to “mak(e) it clear to ordinary voters” how badly they’ve screwed up by putting Trump back in the White House.

“For people who don’t get political news, who never pick up a newspaper, who never turn on CNN, who never even bother with Fox News,” she said of those she views as ignorant. “Those people really have no idea what’s going on, and that means we have to bend over backward – not to suck up to these people, not to make excuses for them – but at least to communicate the basic facts.”…

“It’s that simple. You can’t talk broad themes. You have to boil it down to nuts and bolts, and you have to be pithy. What do I mean by pithy?” she asked. “How about this – Republicans want to kill your kids. It’s actually true.”

Watch the video:

Of course, the Democrats are the party of abortion, that is obvious. But there is another important point here.

Is this really the way the Washington Post wants to be represented by their writers? Is this what the shareholders of the Washington Post want the public to think of when they think of their paper? Because that is exactly what is happening.

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