Home Politics Megyn Kelly on Biggest Losers of the 2024 Election: From Taylor Swift...

Megyn Kelly on Biggest Losers of the 2024 Election: From Taylor Swift to George Clooney “No One Cares What You Think” (Video) | The Gateway Pundit


Megyn Kelly on the biggest losers of the 2024 election./Image: Video screenshot.

Kamala Harris spent over $1 billion during her brief, unsuccessful campaign and relied heavily on flashy celebrity endorsements. Nothing connects better with families who can’t afford a home or put food on the table than JLo, Oprah, and Beyoncé lecturing them on what they need.

Megyn Kelly shared the biggest losers of the 2024 campaign from Taylor Swift to The Lincoln Project.

“One of the big losers? The celeb crowd. We touched on this yesterday.”

“Beyoncé, loser. Oprah, huge loser. Jlo, ‘You matter. You matter.’ Loser. No one cares what you think.”

“If you want to talk to me about what it is you’re doing to your skin, I’m all in. Go on. You got my full attention. If you want to tell me who to vote for or what’s happening with the economy or immigration, please sit. No one cares. We would like to know what happened between you and Ben Affleck, what happened between you and P. Diddy, exactly what you’re doing to your butt, and how you keep your skin so glowy. That will end the list of things we care about JLo’s opinion on.”

“Taylor Swift, sorry. You effed around and found out. You do not have unlimited influence. The young girls love you because you sing songs about men who break up with you, and they can all relate to that. No one gives two sh**s about your political opinion, so you should take it and stuff it. That could be your next song, Stuff It. That’s what the American electorate told me. We could play it on Thanksgiving as we do that to our turkeys.They will remind us of you and your political opinions.”

“Julia Roberts, who outed herself, not only as a leftist, which we knew, but as somebody who… And by the way, she’s also a husband stealer. She stole the husband that she has right now in a reported affair.”

“So okay, maybe don’t be the voice of the ad in which we talk about women betraying their husbands by injecting deceit into the marital relationship, because in the leftist view, marriages are not about honesty and talking about one’s differences and agreeing to disagree on certain dicey issues. But they’re about lying, lying if you cannot persuade your spouse to believe as you do.”

“And they believe this so strongly, you put it in an ad and ran it everywhere. The ad also portrayed Republicans as unattractive, bumpkiny, backward losers.”

“As it turns out, that’s what even the sitting President of the United States thinks about them, that they’re garbage. The possible next vice president, at least as of last week, Tim Walz, thinks they’re Nazis. She does speak for a large collective, and that collective has done this to her. I’m giving the bird to my listening audience.”

“Julia Roberts, yet another big loser, and her pal George Clooney, who did something similar for another ad, same.”

“You got Joe Biden out. How did it work out for you? How did that go? Maybe you should have said something a little earlier, like when you attended that fundraiser and you and your buddies at Pod Save America saw he was totally incompetent and non-competent, and you all STF you to try to save his political fortunes.”

“Meanwhile, it was tick-tock, tick-tock. The clock was ticking. You blew it, and only when it was too obvious to deny, did you say anything? So you two are a big loser, sir. Hope your billions are keeping you happy today, bringing you comfort.”

“That brings me to the Lincoln Project. I mean, I might have to move them above Liz Cheney. I think I would, but they had no standing to lose.”

“So I don’t know, when you start off a bottom feeder and then you remain a bottom feeder, I Can you go from catfish to crab? I’m going to have to consult an oceanologist to find out how does it work at the bottom of the ocean with the true bottom feeders?”

Watch the full segment here:

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