Home Politics Maine Democrat Apologizes for Opposing Efforts to Ban Weapons of War and...

Maine Democrat Apologizes for Opposing Efforts to Ban Weapons of War and Calls on Congress to Do So Now


Representative Jared Golden of Maine who represents Lewiston asked for forgiveness while giving remarks that are what we deserve to hear from each and every lawmaker who has opposed the banning of deadly weapons of war. He said, “The time has come for me to take responsibility for this failure, which is why I now call on the United States Congress to ban assault rifles.”

Golden said: “I have opposed efforts to ban deadly weapons of war like the assault rifle he used to carry out this crime. The time has now come for me to take responsibility for this failure. Which is why I now call on the United States Congress to ban assault rifles…. To the people of Lewiston, my constituents throughout the second district, to the families who lost loved ones, and to those who have been harmed, I ask for forgiveness and support as I seek to prevent these terrible shootings.”

While it’s more than fair to ask why it only hit home for Golden when it happened in his hometown where he was born and which he represents. His statement also represents the closest personal responsibility we have heard from any lawmaker.

To have honor and integrity, a person must own up to their mistakes and their wrongs. When your mistakes cost 18 people their lives, as Golden’s have, that burden is heavy.

Golden’s district was won by Trump in 2020, and this might have some bearing on why he sounds as if he doesn’t have long left in Congress after calling for an assault rifle ban. If that’s the case, his courage in putting life ahead of his career should be emulated.

Where are the other blood-soaked NRA-bought lawmakers with their apologies? Where are the statements of culpability and recognition that morally, they have failed every child and adult in this country and those visiting it, too?

Golden’s regret is the sound of humanity, and while it is way too late, it is also much needed and therefore, welcomed. Lawmakers have the power to stop these mass shootings. Yes, people can argue that they can’t stop them altogether, but that’s become a fallacious argument meant to avoid all accountability. So to put it another way: If they could stop even one mass shooting by acting on behalf of human life instead of corporate dollars, that would be worth it.

The time to act is now. We do not need to live like this.

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