Home Politics Louisiana Man Wins Lawsuit Against Town That Targeted the Anti-Biden Flags on...

Louisiana Man Wins Lawsuit Against Town That Targeted the Anti-Biden Flags on His Truck | The Gateway Pundit


A man in Louisiana has just won a lawsuit against the town of Grand Isle.

Ross Brunet flies anti-Biden flags on the back of his truck. He has been ticketed multiple times and the town even went so far as to pass an ordinance in an effort to stop him.

He won the lawsuit on free speech grounds. This article doesn’t specify what the flags say, but one could easily assume it says something like ‘F’ Joe Biden.

The Associated Press reports:

Louisiana island town to repeal ordinance, let driver fly vulgar anti-Biden flag

A resort island town on the Louisiana coast will repeal an anti-obscenity ordinance and let a contractor fly a flag from his truck that carries an obscenity aimed at President Joe Biden, under the terms of a lawsuit settlement filed Friday in federal court.

The settlement came in a lawsuit the Tulane First Amendment Law Clinic filed in January against the town of Grand Isle on behalf of Ross Brunet of Cut Off, Louisiana, who works on the island regularly. The suit said he repeatedly flew three flags from his truck. One promoted breast cancer awareness. Two bore vulgarities aimed at Biden and people who voted for him.

Brunet was ticketed seven times, according to the lawsuit. He successfully defended himself against four tickets. Despite winning those cases, he was later ticketed three more times. The last three cases were dropped after the town adopted an ordinance stating that signs on vehicles “shall not contain language deemed offensive and vulgar nor obscene in nature and cannot contain language that describes a sex act.”

The report goes on to say that Brunet is receiving $40,000 in legal fees, and that the town is reversing the ordinance. That is good news.

Why was this even an issue in the first place? When Trump was president, celebrities and members of the media said vulgar things about the president every day. It was inescapable. Why the sudden outrage now?

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