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Kamala Harris Caught Telling Pennsylvania Family to Go Back Inside Their Home So They Can Stage a Door Knock (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit


Kamala caught staging door knock in Pennsylvania

Kamala Harris spent election eve ‘door knocking’ in Reading, Pennsylvania.

Of course she wasn’t really door knocking.

Everything Kamala Harris does is staged and phony.

Harris knocked on a door and cackled as the couple pretended to be surprised she was standing on their porch.


It got worse as the night went on.

Kamala got caught telling a family in Pittsburgh to go back inside of their home so she could stage a door knock.

“I want to door knock!” Kamala Harris said.

“Oh! You want to do a door knock?” the resident said.

“Yeah! Come on, let’s knock!” Kamala Harris said as she ushered the family back into their home.


Look how exhausted Kamala Harris is as she delivered her final campaign speech in Pennsylvania.

Harris only spoke for 17 minutes before exiting the stage.


Meanwhile, energy was off the charts as Trump took the stage after midnight in Grand Rapids, Michigan!


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