Home Politics Kachelman on the Revelations of Kamala Harris: The Word Salad Buffet –...

Kachelman on the Revelations of Kamala Harris: The Word Salad Buffet – The Absurdity of “Strength Through Joy” Is Baseless | The Gateway Pundit


Guest post by John L. Kachelman

Kamala Harris serves a bowl full of word salads – Grok AI image

WARNING: To residents of California, Washington, Oregon, New York, Chicago, and others who are politically blind and deaf! The below will not pass the totalitarian ban on parody.

To such readers this article may cause consternation resulting in what my momma used to describe as “gettin’ your bowels in an uproar.” So, if you are prone to revulsion of truthful facts, you may want to pass reading this article.

The old saying that you know when a lawyer is lying is when his lips are moving is more appropriate to those embedded in political shenanigans. This is especially true in the current election cycle.

Some have even been exposed as saying the Dems need to say one thing and then “after the election” they can go back to their historic unraveling of the American Constitutional Republic.

The politician has always depended upon word smithing to beguile the electorate. Campaign speeches offer a tantalizing imaginative menu that leads not to the elusive utopian joy but to a delusion.

Currently, the Harris campaign is offering the mantra “Strength through Joy.” The MSM media and the compliant, submissive minions who post a “D” after their names unanimously applaud the campaign.

The mantra begs the “D” to answer, “How is this ‘joy’ to be celebrated?” “How does this nebulous ‘joy’ give a secure strength?”

When you listen to the Democratic puppets make their speeches, you will hear that “joy” results only when President Trump is maligned, falsely accused, unconstitutionally prosecuted, or even assassinated!

Look and realize that pure evil is the motivating force in the Democratic Party. The silence of many “Ds” on the bitter attacks makes ALL “Ds” parties to the evil plotting! If there are those “Ds” who disagree with the Party’s rulers, then let them have the courage to leave the party and disavow any sympathy for its evil designs.

A most revealing article states, “Vice President Kamala Harris is in her own lane and leading joyfully. Her infectious laughter and light can fill an empty room and illuminate any dark space.” Highlight the phrase “an empty room.”

These are well described with the old idiom, “they are buying a pig in a poke”! The reality is that “empty speech” leads to national disaster and destruction IF the population remains compliant and does nothing.

The absurdity of “strength through joy” is baseless.

An interesting analysis focuses on how the Democratic Party is selling its “snake-oil” promises of “strength through joy.”

The manipulation of the gullible electorate is accomplished through wordplay—a verbal acrobatic presentation that leaves people thinking, “WOW! What a message! I didn’t understand anything she said, so she must really be smart!”

The word salads of political aspirants remind me of this quote, “A great many people think that polysyllables are a sign of intelligence” (Barbara Walters).

The reason why so many are beguiled by political meaninglessness reveals the lack of critical thinking in our current population.

The vague expressions and meandering positions permit the hearer to imagine whatever suits him and validates what he already applauds. Those listening hear only through the matrix of their personally held opinions.

But this is not a novel development. In the 1600’s John Locke observed, “Vague and mysterious forms of speech, and abuse of language, have so long passed for mysteries of science; and hard or misapplied words with little or no meaning have…a right to be mistaken for deep learning… it will not be easy to persuade either those who speak or those who hear them, that they are but the covers of ignorance and hindrance of true knowledge.”

So now we add to the Democrat’s “empty room,” the “covers of ignorance.” The Democratic Party’s “strength in joy” is wilting.

There is an amazing physiological coordination that is critical to making speech coherent. “Speech is a highly complex motor act involving respiratory, laryngeal, and supraglottal vocal tract articulators working together in a highly coordinated fashion.

Nearly every speech gesture involves several articulators – even an isolated vowel such as “ee” involves coordination of the jaw, tongue, lips, larynx, and respiratory system.” Do you grasp the point? Articulated speech involves coordination!

The Democrat’s word salad speech speaks to an “empty room,” “covers its message with ignorance,” and lacks coordination to articulate clearly.

And let’s add one more observation before the application. Ambiguous speech communicates uncertainty, creates a feeling of vagueness, uncertainty, or even confusion –all are the opposite of “joy.” Thus, ambiguity is kryptonite to the “strength of joy”!

Political Word Salads

I cannot recall the phrase, “word salads,” used as frequently as it is now to describe what is being forced fed to the American public as the political positions of the Democratic Party.

Instead of clear, concise, strategic, and concrete steps to improve the multiple situations threatening our Republic, the American electorate is being wooed to embrace blindly and accept gullibly the utopian “strength in joy.” Any search of the internet using “word salad” results in a long list of articles exposing this ridiculous campaign strategy.

How strong is the messaging in the Democratic “Joy” Platform?

Since all Democrats, Deep State Bureaucrats, and RINOS have committed their reputations, future careers and eternity to the mantra of Kamala’s “Strength in Joy,” consider the platform upon which this strength is founded.

What about economic aspirations known as “the American Dream”?

KAMALA: “In terms of both rightly having the right to have aspirations and dreams and ambitions for your family and working hard and finding that the American Dream is, for this generation and so many recently, far more elusive than it’s been, and we need to deal with that.

I have an integrated management options that will result in overall organizational flexibility. As for the American Dream I’ll start with this (cackling). I grew up as a middle-class kid. My mother raised my sister and me. She worked very hard, she was able to finally save up enough money to buy our first house when I was a teenager.

But (cackling), I grew up in a community of hardworking people, you know, construction workers and nurses and teachers Me and my younger sister grew up with many opportunities that many ‘middle-class’ children do not have, such as living abroad, private school education, and growing up in some of the wealthiest locales in the world.

But, My vision for making the American Dream realistic for today is simple (cackling). To insure the American Dream is for ALL in the world, I will systematize, monitor and give credible capability so that well-kept lawns are abundant. I will make sure there is parallel and reciprocal mobility for that dream! The best assurance I can give is that Trump will not be considered as he is an undemocratic threat to the American Dream who obviously does keep his lawn very well.”

What about the economy?

KAMALA: (cackling) “Our economy is the best and betterest than when Trump ruined jobs, worshipped fossil fuels, and lied about China’s threat. Under my Administration the great economy of the last 3.5 years will continue to make shocking records.

My economic strategy is functional, digital and programming so progress will continue treading as it has the past 3.5 years.

What more could Americans want? I’ll just add that the economy is good so let that then inspire us by helping us to be inspired! I have a vision of what I call ‘opportunity economics.’ You know, this may be compatible with the current hardware and it may take a third-generation.”

What about the threats to our “democracy”?

KAMALA: “You know I just want to amen how the press needs to create a consistent narrative about how dangerous Trump is. I applaud Hillary Clinton when she said, ‘Trump is a danger to our country and world.’

I also agree with Plouffe who posted on June 13, 2016, ‘It is not enough to simply beat Trump. He must be destroyed thoroughly. His kind must not rise again.’ Yes! (Cackling) the one obsessive compulsive act of every Democrat is to get Trump!

Nothing else matters to us. And when we finally get Trump then we turn to our democracy. We will be responsive, logistical and optimal in our transition away from that archaic constitution and we will set-up a Supreme Court that will follow directions.

This will require a time-phase but it will be synchronized and incremental so all will have well-kept lawns.”

What about our national security issues?

KAMALA: “You know (cackling) I tried to explain to some people who may not have had the same experience, you know, a lot of people will relate to this. You know, I grew up in a neighborhood of folks who were very proud of their lawn, you know.

And I was raised to believe and to know that all people deserve dignity. And that we as Americans have a beautiful character.

Except for Trump! As the news media reports and Hillary confirms, Trump is NOT a beautiful character and does not share in the strength of joy. Any projection of balance, policy or contingency is a threat to democracy in Palestine.”

America, is this the specificity you want as governance?

As observed above, the Democratic Party is obsessed with bringing “joy” to an “empty room,” their position statements are “covers of ignorance,” it lacks basic verbal coordination and their ambiguity creates a feelingof vagueness, uncertainty, or even confusion.

And American voters are told that by reelecting Democrats they will find this “Strength in Joy.” But to any THINKING VOTER, the Democratic Party’s “strength in joy” continues to wilt. If this is the “best” the Democratic Party has to offer, let it go the way of the Whigs and the Liberals!

America, can you support the Democratic Party’s empty, ignorant, uncoordinated and confused platform in this election? Are you going to allow the vagaries of the “Strength of Joy” mantra govern the future of this nation?

Our nation was founded upon specific principles that were articulated clearly, legislated, enacted and obeyed. And those actions resulted in a genuine “joy.” The strength of our nation was not upon some nebulous “joy” or emotional delusion.

Our nation’s strength was the result of bold, uncompromising commitment and personal sacrifice. Strength is not assured by the Elite’s permanency but by the Republic’s governing Constitution. Everything that made the United States of America great and strong is targeted by the evil Democratic totalitarianism that is on full display in the current election.

Inevitable Specifics

Those who consider themselves elite and exempt from the expected behaviors of civility, will be held accountable. The empty verbiage, the ruling ignorance, the uncoordinated maneuvers and the ambiguous cunning will face a day of reckoning. Such is a historical fact in civilization.

The elected officials are viewed as “Shepherds” tasked with the care of the population. The Shepherd who cares little for the flock is called a “foolish shepherd.”

The inescapable reckoning of politicians is metaphorically described: Such is “a shepherd who will not care for the perishing, seek the scattered, heal the broken, or provide for the one who is exhausted, but will devour the flesh of the fat sheep and tear off their hoofs. Woe to the worthless shepherd who abandons the flock!

A sword will be on his arm and on his right eye! His arm will be totally withered, and his right eye will be blind” (The Bible, Zechariah 11:16-17).

American Politicians and Deep State Bureaucrats…does the phrase “foolish shepherd” describe your public service to our nation? Are you prepared for the inevitable reckoning?

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