Home Politics Kachelman, Jr. – The Fifth Column in Today’s Republican Senate | The...

Kachelman, Jr. – The Fifth Column in Today’s Republican Senate | The Gateway Pundit



President Trump with Mitch McConnell, former Speaker Kevin McCarthy, and turncoat Mike Pence during President Trump’s first term.

The phrase “Fifth column,” was inspired by a boast during the Spanish Civil War. Mola predicted Madrid would fall as four columns of rebel troops approaching the city were joined by another hidden column of sympathizers within it. Mola descried them as, “Men now in hiding who will rise and support us the moment we march.”

Today the meaning refers to a clandestine group that works to undermine a country’s solidarity from within. Fifth Columnists infiltrate the nation, particularly into positions of power, spreading misinformation and rumors, to sabotage. It conveys the concept of the “enemy within.”

With the coming of World War II the notion of a Fifth Column came to be recognized as an insidious opposition focused on destroying society from the inside.

President Franklin D Roosevelt remarked during one of his famous ‘fireside chats’ on 26 May:

“Today’s threat to our national security is not a matter of military weapons alone. We know of other methods, new methods of attack: The Trojan Horse. The Fifth Column betrays a nation unprepared for treachery. Spies, saboteurs and traitors are the actors in this new strategy. With all of these we must and will deal vigorously.”

The devilish workings of a “Fifth Column” can be found throughout civilization’s dark chronicles.

There is always a group intent on undermining the Rule of Law. There are many reasons that these few seek to undermine and destroy the governing they do not like.

Many are willing to sacrifice loyalty to country and citizens because of personal gains, privileged positions, financial security, pride’s enslavement, etc.

When such are identified as the “enemy within” the guilty are incensed and they lash out with vindictiveness.

Sadly, the “Fifth Column” continues to exist in our history. In the current election cycle, it remains actively seeking to deny a smooth implementation of the citizen’s mandate.

Validating this “Fifth Column” is the current election of the Senate Majority Leader. Three are being considered. Two of the three have documented positions, votes, and statements that show they are opposed to the one candidate who supports President Trump’s landslide mandate. Only Senator Rick Scott (FL) is wholly committed to President Trump’s agenda. One of the other candidates has suggested that President Trump “stay out of the Senate’s election.” Here is a clear indication that such wants President Trump to “stay out” of the Senate’s actions as the landslide national mandate is considered. Such, no doubt, will eagerly “slow-walk,” table, and obfuscate implementation of the mandate to restore America’s greatness.

Only Senator Rick Scott is wholly committed to President Trump’s agenda.

America! Will you contact your Senator and make sure he/she properly represents you in the Majority Leader’s selection? Will you allow your elected Senator to over-rule your wishes, claiming that “he/she knows better” than the citizens he/she is to represent? Did you elect these people to represent your views or to disregard everything but what she/he is told to do by the “political bosses” they follow?

To the United States Senators electing a new Majority Leader, Where is your representation of the State that elected you to do their will?

History provides a lesson regarding the Fifth Column presence. There was a man entrusted to “restore” the greatness of a nation. His first term was amazing but he had to leave and much of the good was erased. There were political enemies dedicated to destroying all of the good he had accomplished. This man returned and once again began to clean out the “swamp” that existed. He discovered an amazing fact—his enemies were being aided by those appointed to serve the people! In fact, the enemies had moved into the center of government! Theses enemies were housed right in the center of the government. What was the reaction? “I learned about the evil committed…It was very displeasing to me, so I threw all of Tobiah’s household articles out of the room. I gave an order, and they cleansed the rooms.” The Bible, Nehemiah 13:4-9)

The United States of America has expressed itself in an unmistakable mandate. It is time for change! It is time to cleanse the rooms! But, as exhausting as the process of the election has been, the struggle has just begun!

There is a devilish Fifth Column, an enemy within, that seeks to subvert and stall the mandate that all have described as a “landslide.”

Now is not the time to sit back and think “it is over.” Now is the time to make sure the landslide mandate is secure by making sure the entrenched Fifth Column is allowed no quarter in the governing.

Another King was once threatened. His prayer is one that ought to be on the lips of every citizen, “You, Lord God of armies, the God of Israel, awake to punish all…Do not be gracious to any who deal treacherously in wrongdoing” (The Bible, Psalm 59:5)

The election of the Majority Leader for the US Senate is Wednesday. Contact your Senators and urge them to vote for Senator Rick Scott (FL).

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