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JUST IN: Kari Lake’s Attorneys File New Brief & Petition to Transfer Election Case to AZ Supreme Court After Maricopa County BUSTED Falsely Certifying Voting Machines and Causing 60% to FAIL on Election Day | The Gateway Pundit


Maricopa County Elections Director Scott Jarrett testifies in Kari Lake trial

Attorneys for Kari Lake have made two more filings in their ongoing fight to overturn the stolen Arizona gubernatorial election, including a Petition for Transfer to send the appeal directly to the Arizona Supreme Court. 

The Gateway Pundit has reported extensively on the evidence of illegalities presented in Kari Lake’s lawsuit. Newly discovered evidence shows that machine failures affecting tens if not hundreds of thousands of voters on election day were likely caused by intentional misconduct. Incorrect machine settings, printer settings, and ballot paper sizes utilized by Maricopa County caused machines at 60% of voting locations to fail on the day that Republicans turned out 3:1 to vote for Kari Lake and Republican candidates.

Because of changes made to the voting systems before election day, “at least 8,000 misconfigured ‘fit-to-page’ ballots occurred at 127 vote centers on Election Day,” and “vote center tabulators logged over 7,000 rejections every 30 minutes from 6:30 am through 8:00 pm.” Maricopa County does not dispute this accurate data derived from their system log files. This information was presented by We The People AZ Alliance in an Arizona Senate hearing earlier this year, along with evidence that tabulators rejected ballots nearly 250,000 times.

Lake’s Petition for Transfer and Reply Brief, both filed on Tuesday, urging the court once again to consider the “extraordinary new evidence presented in Lake’s motion for relief from judgment,” which was filed in May 2023.

In an October 15 Brief, Maricopa County “makes demonstrably false or misleading arguments to distract the Court from the evidence and admissions showing that Maricopa blatantly violated Arizona election laws, falsely certified it conducted L&A testing on October 11, 2022, and apparently rigged the November 2022 Election to fail on Election Day,” argues Lake’s team. Maricopa County’s brief can be found below.

Still, the County admits to “install[ing] new memory cards on its Election Day tabulators” on October 14, 17, and 18, after the statutorily required October 11 logic and accuracy (L&A) testing. Maricopa County further confirms that “elections officials ran a small number of sample ballots through each tabulator to ensure that the installation was properly performed.”

This reconfiguration of the machines, which were later tested illegally, is also confirmed in Maricopa County Elections Director Scott Jarett’s declaration under oath: “Beginning on October 14 and occurring through October 18, Maricopa County installed the new memory cards that had the certified Election Program.”

The testing of these newly configured machines occurred with no documentation or logging of tamper-evident seals, without providing the legally required public notice, and without political party observers, violating multiple provisions in the Elections Procedures Manual

In surveillance footage from October 14, 2022, employees are seen testing the reprogrammed tabulators, and the machines are seen jamming, just as they did on Election Day.

260 of the 446 reconfigured machines rejected ballots “with the same error codes that arose on Election Day,” according to Lake’s attorneys.

Lake’s attorneys argue that “any tabulators used during the statutory October 11, 2022 L&A test were required to have the Election Program installed for that statutory L&A testing.” As the Elections Procedures Manual states, logic and accuracy testing must be conducted by counties on “all voting equipment prior to each election.” The EPM also states, “The officer in charge of elections may not deploy any electronic voting equipment in a federal, statewide, or legislative election that has not successfully passed the Secretary of State’s L&A test.” Inserting tested and “certified” memory cards in uncertified machines does not appear to be legal. 

The only apparent reason for additional machine testing would be for a “re-test” as prescribed in the Elections Procedures Manual. However, this would require additional testing and certification by the Secretary of State’s office.

According to page 88 of the Arizona Elections Procedures Manual used in 2022:

“If the electronic voting system has not successfully passed the Secretary of State’s L&A test, the Secretary of State may schedule a re-test for a later date. Re-testing may continue during the early voting period and through the day prior to the election. However, the officer in charge of elections may not deploy any electronic voting equipment in a federal, statewide, or legislative election that has not successfully passed the Secretary of State’s L&A test.”

Counties are also required to conduct L&A tests on all voting equipment and “publish notice of the time and place of each L&A test at least 48 hours in advance of the test,” in accordance with ARS 16-449(A).

These findings by Lake’s attorneys were presented in the Maricopa County Superior Court back in May. However, they were ignored by feckless Judge Peter A. Thompson, along with the massive evidence of fraudulent mail-in ballot signature verification.

NEW VIDEO EVIDENCE: Maricopa County Elections Officials Illegally Break into Sealed Election Machines after they were Certified and Before the Election – Inserting Reprogrammed Memory Cards – MUST SEE!

Maricopa County has already taken note of these damning accusations and Lake’s Petition for Transfer. Lake attorney Kurt Olsen told The Gateway Pundit, “We understand Maricopa intends to file a response to the Petition to Transfer this Friday by 5 pm. More to come….”

Previously, Maricopa County has delayed the process, not immediately filing responses to Lake’s prior filings requesting a transfer to the Arizona Supreme Court.

Kurt Olsen also gave us the following statement, urging our readers to look at the court documents and “decide for yourself”:

The Petition to Transfer this appeal directly to the Arizona Supreme Court is based on Maricopa’s admissions in their response brief in our appeal. Arizona law mandates that “all of the county’s deployable voting equipment” must be L&A tested at an event that is open to the public, press, and observers. That openness is a statutory requirement so the public can have at least some assurance these electronic voting machines will work and accurately read and tabulate the ballots.

Maricopa’s statements in its response brief show it did not conduct L&A testing on its 446 Election Day tabulators. I encourage everyone to read our briefs, which are factual, easy to read, and eye-opening. Read Maricopa’s brief, too, and decide for yourself.

We’ve asked the Arizona Supreme Court to step in now, not just because of Maricopa’s past conduct but also because the 2024 elections start next March, and Maricopa needs to be held accountable to Arizonans and follow the laws that are supposed to give people confidence in elections.

Stay tuned for more on Kari Lake’s historic lawsuit against Maricopa County’s rigged elections…

Find all relevant court filings below:

Kari Lake’s Motion For Relief From Judgment dated May 9, 2023:

Kari Lake’s Motion for Reli… by Jordan Conradson


Kari Lake’s response to Defendants’ Motions for Sanctions dated May 13, 2023:

Plaintiff Kari Lake’s Respo… by Jordan Conradson


Lake v Hobbs Maricopa County Defendants’ Answering Brief dated October 25, 2023:

Lake v Hobbs Maricopa Count… by Jordan Conradson


Arizona Appeals Court Reply Brief of Appellant Kari Lake – November 14, 2023:

Arizona Appeals Court Repl… by Jordan Conradson


Lake Arizona Supreme Court Petition for Transfer dated November 14, 2023:

Lake AZSC Petition for Tran… by Jordan Conradson

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