Home Politics Jon Stewart Admits Trump Won Legitimately Using the Electoral Process: ‘I Was...

Jon Stewart Admits Trump Won Legitimately Using the Electoral Process: ‘I Was Wrong’ (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit


Lefty hero Jon Stewart appears to be coming to terms with the outcome of the 2024 election. He is much calmer now than he was on election night when he ranted and raved about the polls being wrong.

During a recent broadcast, the Daily Show host admitted that Trump won the election cleanly, using our electoral process, which he admits he did not see coming.

He also affirms his love for our country, which is always nice.

Transcript via Real Clear Politics:

JON STEWART: 2016 really felt like a gut punch in a way, because it felt like such a fait accompli that Democrats would win, so it felt like an anomaly. This feels different because it is a democratic victory.

I feel like we were prepared for all scenarios and in each one of those scenarios it was, how is Donald Trump going to finagle his way back into the White House? How is he going to use undemocratic principles? What measure of intimidation and underhanded shenanigans will this man use to worm his way back into the Oval Office?

And it turned out he used our electoral system, as it is designed. And in that moment, I thought, well, “F*ck.” I’m not sure we have a team of lawyers for that. I don’t know if we have a team for that!

By the way, I don’t ever in my life want to hear about “our vaunted ground game will put us over the top.” It’s a 50/50 tossup race, we’re sure of it, but the vaunted ground game — turns out that people knocking on other people’s doesn’t get them to do what you want them to do — as, I believe, vacuum and Bible salesmen have probably known for many, many centuries.

F*ck us, f*ck me, I was wrong, will continue to be wrong. I’d love to sit back and think about the autopsy and where you move from there, but I think I still feel as though I’m in that moment of vertigo to some extent.

Here’s the video (strong language warning):

Stewart’s message is one that many people on the left need to hear. It will help them to accept the election results.

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