Home Politics J6 Defendant Treniss Evans Testifies: J6 Political Prisoners Were Offered Classes in...

J6 Defendant Treniss Evans Testifies: J6 Political Prisoners Were Offered Classes in Jail on: Trump’s Big Lie, Trump’s Crimes, Trump’s Attacks on Democracy (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit


J6 Defendant Treniss Evans testifies before members of Congress on the Biden regime’s forced reeducation of J6 defendants.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) led a special live hearing on Monday morning titled, Unusually Cruel: A Continued Investigation Into the Treatment of J6 Political Prisoners.

The Gateway Pundit reporter Cara Castronuova testified today at the hearing along with several others including investigative reporter Yehuda Miller, J6 defendant Treniss Evans, Jessica Rivera, Brandy Bowen, Eden Quainton, and attorney Jonathan Gross. Cara spoke about her reporting on J6 political prisoners as well as Trump supporter Roseanne Boyland’s death that day.

MTG has been a passionate voice for J6 political prisoners since the Pelosi insurrection on January 6th.

Last fall The Gateway Pundit was informed that political prisoner John Strand was being tortured in isolation after he entered prison. We encouraged our readers to write the prison warden’s assistant and demand the isolation end immediately.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene retweeted our report on John Strand and demanded the prison stop their abuse.

After MTG shared our report, Strand told The Gateway Pundit was tortured with isolation.

On Monday J6er Treniss Evans testified that prison officials provided “reeducation” material to January 6 prisoners in the DC Gulag while they were incarcerated as political prisoners.

Treniss Evans: In this document, contained in here is the reeducation material that was provided to the January sixth defendants.

If you start reading through just the titles alone, you’ll start to quiver. I did and I was very upset… This is the reprogramming information given to them on their tablet.

Once upon a time in prison, you would take a class on plumbing or electrical, or on trade. You would do something in another language.

They were actually given credit for taking classes on… May I share a couple of titles?… So these were reeducation materials distributed to them about:

** Trump’s “big lie. 
** Trump’s crimes before he called for the attack on our democracy.
** Donald Trump, how he has attacked our democracy. Negligence, obstruction, rape, tax evasion.

These are actual lesson plans. Take a look at the tablet, ask them to show you. They were available to them in the jail.

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