Home Politics I Was President Trump’s Opening Speaker at His Vegas Rally. Here’s What...

I Was President Trump’s Opening Speaker at His Vegas Rally. Here’s What I Said That Made the Crowd of 6,000+ Go Wild! Hint: This Election is About the Cats and Dogs! (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit


Wayne Allyn Root

By Wayne Allyn Root

What a past few days I’ve had. It has been a whirlwind!

On Friday of last week, I was honored to be chosen by President Trump to open his Las Vegas rally in front of 6,000+ patriots and Trump warriors.

Then on Saturday, I was honored and blessed to enjoy my 16thinterview with President Trump. This one was special- it was my first-ever, exclusive, face-to-face TV interview, at President Trump’s hotel suite at Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas.

I’ll write about the interview later this week. First, I’d like to share what I said and learned at the large Trump rally. Like President Trump, I like to test out policies, ideas and campaign themes at events with large crowds.

Here are the themes that drew the wildest response from the crowd…

First, I opened my speech by reporting that the biased, America-hating, mainstream media calls me “far right.” I said, “That’s because so far, I’m always right.”

The crowd went wild.

They loved that line. Next time any liberal moron calls you “far right” use that reply. Right back in their face!

Then I explained what a great man President Trump is- because former Presidents and billionaire business moguls rarely listen to average Americans. Trump listens. He is open minded. When he likes something that he hears, he adopts it and makes it happen.

I am living proof.

I told the crowd how I wrote a commentary about an idea I’ve championed for years- “NO TAX ON SOCIAL SECURITY.”

Then I promoted the idea for two weeks on my TV and radio shows. I also sent my column to President Trump.

Within days Trump adopted the idea and made it a centerpiece of his presidential campaign. And once elected, I’m confident Trump will make it happen. Trump is one of a kind.

Then I told the crowd how I wrote another commentary about a new idea that I recently championed- NO TAX ON OVERTIME.”

Again, I promoted the idea for days on my TV and radio shows. Again, I sent my column to President Trump.

Within days Trump adopted the idea and made it a centerpiece of his presidential campaign. And once again, I am confident once elected, Trump will make it happen.

The man listens, the man cares, the man is open to new ideas, the man makes things happen.

God bless President Trump.

The crowd went wild with enthusiasm for these two ideas and the realization that we have a former and future President of the United States who actually listens to the ideas of average Americans, because he cares about improving the lives of average Americans.

Trump is one in a billion.

Next, I explained why Trump’s remarks during the presidential debate about Haitian illegal aliens eating the cats and dogs in Springfield, Ohio was an absolutely brilliant move…and will be the key to his victory in November!

While the liberal media and the out-of-touch DC Swamp and Deep State elitists who run our country thought Trump lost the presidential debate…and they thought he humiliated himself with his remarks about illegal aliens eating cats and dogs…

That theme was sheer genius.

Trump is a marketing genius. The point wasn’t just the tragedy of dead pets- although that is happening according to the residents of Springfield. But that storyline is a metaphor for getting the attention of middle-class America …making them focus on all the dangers of open borders and illegal immigration…and the fact that American towns are being overrun and overwhelmed.

And soon it’s coming to YOUR town!

The dog and cat story was also a metaphor for the mothers, wives, sisters and daughters now in danger because of open borders. I love my dogs. I want my dogs safe. But what I’m really concerned about are the people I love. I want my wife and daughters safe. With criminals being let out of prisons all over the world and being welcomed into America by Democrats like border czar Kamala Harris none of the people we love are safe.

“The illegal aliens eating pets” story is the most memorable line of the whole debate and America is now focused on the disaster of open borders. Brilliant.

Bravo, President Trump!

Then I suggested President Trump now make the spotlight even brighter and hotter by holding televised TOWN HALLS in the coming days in Springfield, Ohio and Aurora, Colorado.

Let the citizens who live there educate the American people. Let us see and hear the true story. President Trump was right. The government is lying.

I closed my speech by urging all of us to turn the GOP and this presidential campaign into AMWAY. Yes, I said Amway! We need to run a Multi-Level Marketing campaign.

How did Amway and other MLM companies make their billions of dollars? By asking each member to recruit new members. The more you recruit, the bigger your downline becomes, and the more money you make.

That’s how we win this election!

Each of us voting one time is not enough to win this election. We each need to commit to bringing a minimum of 10 friends to the polls. And they each commit to bringing 10. And they bring 10. And they bring 10. And they bring 10. And so on.

I’ve given this strategy a name: “MLV- Multi Level Voting.”

If we each bring ten voters to the polls, and they then bring their ten, we will bring 90 to 100 million Trump voters to the polls. We will overwhelm the Democrat fraudsters, and no amount of voter fraud, or scam, or rigging, or fixing will be able to overcome our historic vote totals.

That will make this election “too big to rig.”

The crowd went wild. Standing ovation.

These were the themes that scored big with the average working class and middle-class American voters who attended this Trump rally.


ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Watch Wayne’s new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at RealAmericasVoice.com, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to RootforAmerica.com to watch.

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