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How to free up space on your phone in less than five minutes


If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to clear a significant amount of storage on your phone, this guide is for you. 

If you’re anything like us, your camera roll is probably filled with screenshots of recipes you’ll never follow, out-of-date memes and 30 ever-so-slightly different versions of the same selfie. However, the prospect of going through your photos one by one and separating the trash from holiday snaps, birthday pics and other important stuff can be overwhelming. 

This is where camera roll-cleaning apps like Swipewipe and Swipe Photo Cleaner come in handy, splitting your images into manageable sections and allowing you to choose what to keep and what to trash with a swift swipe left or right. 

Keep reading to learn how to free up space on your phone in less than five minutes by spring-cleaning your camera roll, or head to our other guide to learn more tips on clearing your iPhone storage.

What you’ll need 

  • An iPhone or Android 
  • The Swipewipe app 

The Short Version 

  1. Open the Swipewipe app 
  2. Select a category 
  3. Swipe right to keep an image
  4. Swipe left to delete an image
  5. Tap Delete Images when you get to the end of that category

How to free up space on your phone in less than five minutes

  1. Step

    Open the Swipewipe app 

    We’ll be using the iOS app for this guide, but it’s also available on Android. How to free up space on your phone in less than five minutes

  2. Step

    Select a category 

    We chose Recents, but you can also go through your photos by month, on this day or shuffle your pics and go through them at random. How to free up space on your phone in less than five minutes

  3. Step

    Swipe right to keep an image

    You can also just tap the Keep button in the bottom right corner. How to free up space on your phone in less than five minutes

  4. Step

    Swipe left to delete an image

    If you change your mind, tap the arrow in the top right corner to go back and swipe the opposite direction. How to free up space on your phone in less than five minutes

  5. Step

    Tap Delete Images when you get to the end of that category

    This will send all the pics you chose to delete to the Recently Deleted section in the Photos app. You can then clear your Recently Deleted to quickly free up some storage. How to free up space on your phone in less than five minutes


How to permanently delete iPhone photos

To permanently delete the photos you’ve swiped left on and free up your storage, go to the Photos app, tap Recently Deleted, tap Select, tap the three dots in the lower right corner and hit Delete All.

How to recover photos deleted with Swipewipe

If you’ve made a mistake and want to recover any photos you swipe left on, go to the Photos app, tap Recently Deleted, tap Select, choose the photo/s you would like back, tap the three dots in the lower right corner and select Recover.

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