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Government Takes Money from Bank Account of Mayor Who Refused to Celebrate ‘Pride Month’ | The Gateway Pundit


A Canadian mayor is facing the consequences for refusing to bow at the “pride” altar.

The Toronto Sun reported Saturday that Emo Township Mayor Harold McQuaker was fined $5,000 by the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario for comments made in 2020 opposing a request for the town council to declare June “pride month” in Emo.

His offending comment, according to CTV Winnepeg, was, “There’s no flag being flown for the other side of the coin … There’s no flags being flown for the straight people.”

McQuaker was also ordered to attend a “Human Rights 101” course, often referred to as a “re-education” course.

He said he would refuse to comply with either, telling the Sun, “I utterly refuse to pay the $5,000 because that’s extortion.”

Canada Proud posted the story on Dec. 3 with a picture of McQuaker standing outside the Emo Municipal Office.

The winner of the judgment against McQuaker, Borderland Pride, took to bragging about the money quite literally being taken out of his bank account.

“Sure, sex is great, but have you ever garnished your mayor’s bank account after he publicly refused to comply with a Tribunal’s order to pay damages?” a post by the organization asked via Facebook.

Borderland Pride told the Sun in an email, “It was apparent he would not voluntarily make payment of the damages ordered. We took immediate action to garnish his bank account.”

The organization said, “The garnishment was issued by the court and delivered to the CIBC in Emo, which is the only bank in that community.”

Borderland Pride released an official statement on its website about the ruling and the $5,000 in damages to be paid by McQuaker.

Emo’s story has all the hallmarks of the Orwellian nightmares we’ve come to expect out of Canada.

If you do not bow to the mob, you will face punishment and re-education.

McQuaker did not do anything in the sense of taking action against a certain group of people; he simply refused to endorse “pride” dogma as a government official.

The oppressive nature of authoritarian regimes doesn’t just stem from what they keep you from saying, but what they make you say.

Reminiscent of Stalinist Russia or Maoist China, it is not enough to be silent.

You must cheer the loudest for party doctrine. You must champion the cause charismatically and denounce those who do not.

Damages taken from McQuaker and re-education are bad, but this only takes Canada down a darker path looking forward.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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