Home Technology Genshin Impact phone released by OnePlus

Genshin Impact phone released by OnePlus


OnePlus has unveiled another Genshin Impact character for collaborating with the highly popular gaming series.

Showcased at the Mobile World Congress, the limited edition 12R version of the device sported the unmistakable violet of the iconic character Keqing.

“Every adventure begins with the first step. Every legend needs a hero. Discover the one within you. Travel on a journey beyond imagination and exceed the Speed of Lightning,” says the release site.

OnePlus X Genshin

The cell company has also released a special video update via YouTube listing the features of the new device:

This is the fourth entry into the Hoyoverse (miYoHo) collaboration with OnePlus across a three-year spell.

The series’ voice actor for Keqing has provided a tailored experience for alarms, messages, and the phone’s ringtone that will “bring the world of Tevyat to your ears.”

The phone’s site description states, “From the power-on animation to the dynamic wallpaper, every aspect of the mobile experience has been transformed for Genshin Impact fans. Whether you’re unlocking the phone or charging the phone, the deep integration will awaken unforgettable memories for every adventurer.”

The company has introduced the OnePlus Trinity Engine that boasts “unparalleled Genshin Impact gaming performance. Extreme optimizations ensure consistently high frame rates, extreme graphics quality, and faster load times. Experience smooth gaming beyond belief with a console-like experience in the palm of your hand.”

This engine is fueled by the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 processor paired with 16GB of RAM and has a charging speed of 31 minutes for the device manufacturer’s largest battery to date. Sadly, there is no remote charging for the Gacha-inspired phone, but it compensates by being incredibly fast to top up for long gaming sessions.

With mobile gaming such a huge part of the revenue stream for miYoHo this new release will continue the trend of the company investing in portable as well as PC gaming.

“The one thing nobody likes to see is the loading screen,” said OnePlus president and COO Kinder Liu. “We know every second counts for a Traveler. From launching the app, logging in to being able to move your character takes a mere 15 seconds, phenomenal!”

We reported last month that miYoHo had raked in a stunning $5 billion in revenue since the mobile launch of Genshin three years ago, and the game remains the biggest draw for the Gacha offerings that the studio has released.

It remains to be seen how many other Genshin Impact staples will get their identifying color treatment, but for Kequin fans they can pick up this particular phone from March 21.

Image Credit: OnePlus.

Brian-Damien Morgan

Freelance Journalist

Brian-Damien Morganis an award-winning journalist and features writer. He was lucky enough to work in the print sector for many UK newspapers before embarking on a successful career as a digital broadcaster and specialist.

His work has spanned the public and private media sectors of the United Kingdom for almost two decades.

Since 2007, Brian has continued to add to a long list of publications and institutions, most notably as Editor of the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games, winning multiple awards for his writing and digital broadcasting efforts.

Brian would then go on to be integral to the Legacy 2014, Media and Sport Directorate of the Scottish Government. Working with ministers to enact change through sport with institutions like the Homeless World Cup.

He would then lend his skills to multiple private sector institutions. Brian would win national acclaim helping his country deliver judicial education and communications during the pandemic-era. Earning a writ of personal distinction from the Lord President of Scotland for his efforts as the Head of Communications and Digital for the Judicial Office for Scotland.

Brian has returned back to the thing he loves most, writing and commenting on developments across technology, gaming and legal topics, as well as any-and-all things sport related.

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