Home Politics Exorcist Priest Warns Against Using Ouija Boards: ‘Demons Lie and Impersonate Dead...

Exorcist Priest Warns Against Using Ouija Boards: ‘Demons Lie and Impersonate Dead People’ | The Gateway Pundit


Ouija boards are sold in the United States as a harmless board game, but according to one Catholic priest who is an actual exorcist, the Ouija is a dangerous tool of divination.

Father Dan Reehil of the Diocese of Nashville, says that demons lie to users and pretend to be dead people speaking to them through the board.

He even suggests that in some extreme cases, this can lead to possession.

FOX News reported:

‘Angels, demons, spirits and souls do exist,’ says exorcist priest who warns against Ouija board use

Ouija boards and other attempts to converse with the dead are spiritually dangerous practices that should not be viewed as innocent fun, an exorcist priest told Fox News Digital.

“We too often forget that there is much more to this world than meets the eye,” Fr. Dan Reehil told Fox News Digital. “Angels, demons, spirits and souls do exist and they can have an impact on our life.”

Rehill is a priest of the Diocese of Nashville. In 2018, he received exorcism training at Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum in Rome, and was installed as the exorcist of the Diocese of Nashville that same year…

Attempting occult practices, such as purportedly trying to contact the dead via an Ouija board, are a way to open oneself up to demonic activity inadvertently, said Reehil.

“Demons lie and impersonate dead people,” said Reehil. “When asking a board for information about a deceased person, or a life decision, they are all too happy to embed themselves into your life. Using an Ouija board is inviting a demon into your life, whether the person has that intention or not.”

The Ouija board was first developed in the late 19th century as a parlor game; these were formerly called “talking boards.”

Here’s a video of Reehil talking about this issue.

Something to keep in mind on Halloween night!


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