In June 2013, long-time Louisiana Democrat Elbert Guillory announced that he was switching parties from Democrat to Republican.
Guillory released a video following his announcement. He argued it is the Republican Party that actually has the best interests of the black community in mind. He argued that Democrats relentlessly push an agenda intended to exert control over blacks, not lift them out of poverty.
Those words spoken in 2013 are as true today as they were when he published his video.
The video made the rounds again this week thanks to FOX News.
On Monday, The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft spoke with southern Republican Elbert Guillory.
Elbert discussed his congressional race and the current state of the Democrat Party in America today.
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Elbert Guillory: I’ll talk with you, premier journalist.
Jim Hoft: Yes. I’ve been covering you, Elbert, since… I was just looking back here. Since 2013. You made a big splash on the national scene. You’ll have to fill us in, but you were a Democrat for years in Louisiana, and then you decided… and you’re currently running for Congress in a very competitive seat… But back then, in 2013, you decided to become a Republican. That made some headlines.
Elbert Guillory: Yes, sir. I was a state senator at the time, and the Democrat Party just left me. They started accepting all kinds of crazy anti-God, anti-gun, pro-murdering babies by the millions, positions. Their spending habits were just totally unacceptable. So they left me, and I made a little video, and that same video has come back to haunt me 13 years later. FOX just found it and did a piece on it.
Jim Hoft: Oh wow!
Elbert Guillory: It went viral, millions of people back in ’13. And it is now going viral once again.
Jim Hoft: Oh, my gosh. That’s so cool. We actually put up that video at Gateway Pundit back in August 13th. I know exactly what you’re talking about. I’ll be happy to post that again, but that’s quite amazing. I can’t help but think that in 2013, the left was starting to get pretty radical, pretty crazy. Did you ever think it would get to the point where they’re at today?
Elbert Guillory: No, I did not. It was moderately loony in 2013, and that was unacceptable to my family, my community, the values of my community and my family. And now, my heavens, they are off the chain… No one in their right mind would support feeding smut to a little kid, a five, and six, and seven-year-old child… People feel that a child who cannot be prosecuted for killing someone because they don’t have enough mental power and maturity to make that decision. They can’t smoke, they can’t drink, they can’t buy porn. But a seven-year-old child can decide, with the assistance of his teachers, can decide to transition from a girl to be a boy or a boy to become a girl!…
I must say that what they’re doing to God, what they have done to God, is absolutely obscene…
…When I was a boy, we went to school and we prayed three times a day. And it reminded little mischievous boys like little Albert Guillory, that there was God up there watching and seeing what you were doing, even if you were able to fugaboo the teachers, that God saw what you were doing, and that It was important for all of us little boys and these girls, too, I imagine, to know that God was watching, and God was here, God was present. Now, they’re taking God out of schools. They’re taking God out of public places, out of the courthouse, out of the city square at Christmas time.
Jim Hoft: …I wanted to touch on this, Elbert, because what impressed me when you first came out, again, 11 years ago, in 2013. Elbert came out and said that he was going to be a Republican. One of the things you mentioned at the time was that the Republican Party, it was founded as an abolitionist party. It was against slavery, and it was the Republicans that fought to free the slaves. You reminded people of that. I think that’s forgotten in our history classes, too… How does the campaign look now, Elbert?
Elbert Guillory: To be quite honest with you, as we have marched and walked and driven over the 300-mile long district that is our district now, we are getting an outpouring of support that we just could not imagine. Today, our crew was walking the streets of Baton Rouge. A lot of people said that we couldn’t take Baton Rouge. We would never. We got a toe hold in Baton Rouge. But we had a lot of support, a lot of people trending out to support us. And of course, it’s the same all over the district. We expect to have landslide victories in several of the parishes. In a couple of the parishes, we hope to battle to a standstill, our opponents, and that should give us a leg up in the possibility of a first-round victory.
Jim Hoft: All right. Well, I know that there’ll be a lot of people supporting you. You’re a courageous man, and you’re a Godly man. If there’s anything we can do at Gateway Pundit to help you, please let me know. I’m really honored to speak with you, Elbert, because like I said, when we started this discussion, I started reporting on back in 2013 when you took a really brave step and said you had enough of the Democrat Party. My heart goes out to you, and I wish you all the best of luck in the next week.
Elbert Guillory: Thank you so much. I will be back in touch with you, and I will certainly ensure that you have an invitation to the swearing in!
** You can donate to Elbert Guillory’s campaign here. He can use the help as his campaign winds down!
Elbert is a good one! Good luck, Elbert!
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