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Elon Musk Threatens to Sue the ADL and Release Communications Between ADL and Other Groups Pushing to Censor Twitter-X Accounts | The Gateway Pundit


Elon Musk on Labor Day tweeted out that he will consider releasing communications by the Anti-Defamation League, a hard-core anti-First Amendment organization, that has pushed Twitter-X for years to crack down on conservative and anti-establishment accounts.

Elon Musk noted in a response to Libs of Tik-Tok that the ADL has pushed Twitter-X to crack down on accounts like Libs of Tik-Tok despite the fact that the account as nothing to do with anti-Semitism, which is their supposed charter!

Elon then posted a tweet on X that he may have to sue the ADL for defamation!

And then Elon posted tweets exposing the far-left ADL’s vile agenda against free speech.

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