Home Top 10 Earzz launches innovative AI-powered sound monitor

Earzz launches innovative AI-powered sound monitor


The innovative new Earzz Smart Home Monitor will identify any common sound around your home and notify you.

UK start-up Earzz has launched an intriguing new smart home product that uses AI to identify sounds around your home, and then notifies you through the related app.

While most smart home equipment is tuned to listen out for speech, Earzz is turning its AI smarts towards those anomalous sounds that don’t in themselves amount to much, but which can signify a lot.

So, for example, it can pick up on door knocks if you’re in the garden, and can listen out for a baby crying when you’re in another part of the house. If you’re hard of hearing and liable to miss a smoke alarm, the Earzz Smart Home Monitor will identify that sound and warn you.

The Earzz Smart Home Monitor itself takes the form of a single wireless device (in black or white) that can apparently fit in the palm of your hand. You can add addition devices to your set-up for multi-room monitoring. It’ll run for 8 hours using its rechargeable battery, or it can be left plugged in.

Earzz sound monitor

It comes with 15 commonly encountered sounds pre-loaded, but you can select the ones that are appropriate to you. It’s then possible to tailor the alerts so that you get a unique and appropriate response to each one on your phone, tablet, or smartwatch.

You can also set the Earzz Smart Home Monitor to log when certain sounds are made without alerting you. Perfect for anyone curious to find out whether they snore – and how much.

Despite its ability to pick up on particular sounds, the Earzz Smart Home Monitor doesn’t store audio files, so your privacy is guaranteed.

The Earzz Smart Home Monitor will launch this summer in the UK, with prices set to start from £7.99 a month for an annual subscription from the Earzz website. The first monitor will be offered free as part of the package, with additional monitors costing £79.99 each.

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