Home Politics DISGUSTING: MSNBC Host Lawrence O’Donnell Says American Veterans Are Greater Terror Threat...

DISGUSTING: MSNBC Host Lawrence O’Donnell Says American Veterans Are Greater Terror Threat Than Illegals Crossing the Border (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit


MSNBC has an ongoing ratings problem and host Lawrence O’Donnell is clearly doing everything he can to make sure it stays that way.

During a recent rant on his little-watched program, O’Donnell singled out U.S. veterans, specifically from the Army, as a greater terror threat than the people illegally crossing the southern border.

A former CIA officer recently said that more than a thousand al-Qaeda operatives have likely crossed the open border and are now in the United States just waiting to strike but apparently, O’Donnell hasn’t heard that report.

MSNBC should be ashamed for airing this.

FOX News reports:

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell claims US military personnel pose greater threat than illegal immigrants

MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell argued that Americans should look to their fellow citizens, specifically U.S. military personnel, and not illegal immigrants, as instigators of terrorism within the U.S. in a segment Thursday.

“The simple fact is, this country has suffered more deadly terrorism at the hands of American-born citizens who are veterans of the United States military than people who have crossed into this country at the southern border,” O’Donnell said. “It is very clear from the evidence that if you want to worry about terrorism in this country, the United States Army is a much bigger problem than the southern border.”…

O’Donnell used examples of military veterans, including Timothy McVeigh, the domestic terrorist behind the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995, to argue that American veterans have perpetuated more violence than immigrants have in U.S. history.

“Timothy McVeigh parked a truck outside that building loaded with explosives in an act of homegrown American terrorism,” O’Donnell said. “Timothy McVeigh’s hatred of the American government was not tamed in any way by his service in the American military. So, too, with America’s latest terrorist attack in New Orleans on New Year’s Eve, with an American military veteran driving a pickup truck through a crowd to murder 14 people.”

Here’s the video:

O’Donnell’s comparison here is unfair and disgusting. American veterans deserve our thanks and admiration, not to be smeared by comparing all of them to the likes of Timothy McVeigh.

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