Home Technology Diablo IV Lunar Awakening Event – everything you need to know

Diablo IV Lunar Awakening Event – everything you need to know


As we approach the Lunar New Year, Diablo IV is gearing up for the celebrations and we will be getting a new Lunar Awakening event for a limited period in Sanctuary. Season 3 is already underway but what will this new event hold, when will it run, and will it be worth the time to complete it? Let’s see what we know.

When is Diablo IV’s Lunar Awakening event?

Starting on February 6th to tie in with the Lunar New Year, Lunar Awakening will run for two weeks until completion on the 20th of February.

What are the Lunar Awakening rewards?

This is the bit you are really here for – what loot can you get your hands on? Blizzard says, “There are 10 Ancestor’s Favor reputation levels in total to earn, and 6 different Lunar-themed cosmetic rewards to unlock. Lunar Awakening-themed garments will also be available in Tejal’s shop, materializing to adorn your wanderer in threads befitting this joyous occasion.”

As you can see from the image, some of these are quite desirable,

What are Lunar Shrines in Diablo IV?

The Lunar Awakening event will bring with it several new Shrines scattered throughout Sanctuary. These will replace some of the regular Shrines in the game until the event is completed. Blizzard describes the Shrines as having “extra punch”, and this is what you can expect from these new points of interest.

  • Artillery Shrine – Casts have a chance to summon a holy bomb.
  • Blast Wave Shrine – Each explosion summons a cluster bombardment.
  • Channeling Shrine- Increased attack speed and a chance to reset cooldowns.
  • Conduit Shrine – Summon frequent, powerful, shocking strikes.
  • Greed Shrine – Chance to summon a Treasure Goblin. While the Shrine is active, 25 kills summons a Treasure Goblin, and 50 kills summons a second.
  • Lethal Shrine – Chance to instantly execute a struck monster, causing Fear on surrounding monsters. Note: this includes Elites, but excludes Bosses and other Players.
  • Protection Shrine – You reflect all incoming damage. Damage reflected scales with Level and World Tier.

Can you play Lunar Awakening without a Season Pass?

Indeed you can. The Lunar Awakening event will be present in both the Eternal and Seasonal Realms of the game.

How to start Lunar Awakening in D4

Once the event has started on February 6th, travel to Ked Bardu and travel to the Northern section of the town. Once there, interact with Ying-Yue, the leader of the Lunar Night Market. This is the hub for the event.

Paul McNally

Gaming Editor

Paul McNally has been around consoles and computers since his parents bought him a Mattel Intellivision in 1980. He has been a prominent games journalist since the 1990s, spending over a decade as editor of popular print-based video games and computer magazines, including a market-leading PlayStation title published by IDG Media.

Having spent time as Head of Communications at a professional sports club and working for high-profile charities such as the National Literacy Trust, he returned as Managing Editor in charge of large US-based technology websites in 2020.

Paul has written high-end gaming content for GamePro, Official Australian PlayStation Magazine, PlayStation Pro, Amiga Action, Mega Action, ST Action, GQ, Loaded, and the The Mirror. He has also hosted panels at retro-gaming conventions and can regularly be found guesting on gaming podcasts and Twitch shows. He is obsessed with 3D printing and has worked with several major brands in the past to create content

Believing that the reader deserves actually to enjoy what they are reading is a big part of Paul’s ethos when it comes to gaming journalism, elevating the sites he works on above the norm. Reach out on X.

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