In a year of awful political takes, this has to rank near the top of the list.
A former Playboy correspondent and deranged Trump hater wrote a sickening piece in far-left Salon today calling supporters of the 45th President and faithful Christians more dangerous to the world than the Hamas savages trying to destroy Israel. Needless to say, conservatives responded in fury and savagely ripped him apart for this nasty, un-American take.
Brian Karem, the “journalist,” actually had the gall to proclaim peaceful patriots who want to restore America back to her former greatness are WORSE than medieval savages who chop off babies’ heads, rape women, gun down festival goers, murder children in their beds, and cut open pregnant women.
In a country of radical left activists masquerading as members of the press, Karem is the absolute worst. This is the same man who cursed out President Trump at a Rose Garden event back in 2019 and called him a cockroach.
He also had his White House press pass suspended before an Obama “judge” ordered the Trump White house to restore it.
But it is hard say what’s worse: Karem for writing the piece to begin with or Salon for actually publishing the garbage.
Holy sh*t they actually hit publish
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) November 2, 2023
The replies from conservatives were absolutely vicious:
Hey isn’t that the “reporter” for Rolling Stone that got his press pass revoked?
— Opinionated Witch☠️ (@opinionwitchy) November 2, 2023
Dude had to get a job at Playboy Magazine if he wanted to see boobs
— Scott Akos (@AkosScott) November 2, 2023
Fixed the spelling mistake on the bottom left.
— Jack Valentine (@ExJackValentine) November 2, 2023
Time to bring back the iconic clip of @SebGorka putting the author of this article @BrianKarem in his place.
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) November 2, 2023
Karem is a “journalist” and Salon considers itself to be a purveyor of “journalism.”
Most Americans trust prostitutes, 3-card monte dealers and Mafia lawyers more than they trust the average “journalist.” This deranged, fascist rant is an excellent…
— Cynical Publius (@CynicalPublius) November 2, 2023
— kc2fargo (@kc2fargo) November 2, 2023
@VivekGRamaswamy said today on Fox that he would reopen the mental institutions. @BrianKarem should be one of the first.
— THE Book Goddess (@misstozak) November 2, 2023
My thought is that Brian Karen is a hack who just tweets whatever Call to Activism sends him without even removing the instructions. I wonder who wrote his Salon piece for him.
— Damin Toell (@damintoell) November 2, 2023
You should put your money where your mouth is. Move to Gaza.
— JC (@Jccitizen23) November 2, 2023
In a country with an honest press, Karem would no longer be in position to spread his propaganda. But today’s America is more apt to punish those who publish the truth.