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CBS News Journo Predicts Trump Will Get to Appoint a Fourth Justice to the U.S. Supreme Court This Coming Year or Next (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit


This weekend, CBS News journalist Jan Crawford predicted that Trump will have the opportunity to appoint a fourth justice to the United States Supreme Court, this coming year or in the next.

If this happens, we will see another full-blown meltdown from the left. No one who was around for Trump’s first term will forget the temper tantrum the left threw over all of Trump’s prior appointments to the court.

This will simply solidify the conservative majority on the court, making it impossible for Democrats to legislate from the bench.

Transcript via CBS News:

MAJOR GARRETT: Jan, 2025 prediction.

JAN CRAWFORD: I will go back to the court.

I think that Donald Trump will probably get his fourth nomination to the Supreme Court either this year or maybe next year, when…

MAJOR GARRETT: Because someone retires.


JAN CRAWFORD: Justice Sam Alito.

MAJOR GARRETT: Justice Sam Alito.

JAN CRAWFORD: He was nominated, took the bench in 2006, after nearly two decades on the court.

Here’s the video:

Jan Crawford also admitted that Democrats have been waging a calculated war on the Supreme Court in recent years, which is absolutely correct:

MAJOR GARRETT: Jan, as you know better than anyone at this table, this last year was a clash of law and politics, unlike anything we have seen in our modern American history.

The judicial system in our country, according to Gallup, 35 percent confidence, 20 percent below our peer countries, other free market democracies. How much of that is a reflection of this clash, the Supreme Court, or just a sense that our judicial system has become, in the words of someone we have all come to know, two-tiered?

JAN CRAWFORD: You know, that’s a hard question to answer, because I think you have got a…

MAJOR GARRETT: We always give you the easiest ones, Jan.


JAN CRAWFORD: But I’m going to try, Major, because I think it goes – you have got to look past just this past year and go further back.

I think it really started and took off in the wake of the Dobbs decision, the court’s ruling that overturned Roe v. Wade. The outrage over that decision was so extreme that you saw, I think, a quite calculated effort to undermine legitimacy of the Supreme Court by Democrats, Senate Democrats, for example, hearings, stories about scandals, some of which were pretty overblown, to say the least.

If Trump gets to appoint another justice to SCOTUS, Democrats will only amplify their attacks on the court. Count on it.

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