Home Politics California Lieutenant Governor Wants Trump Kicked Off State’s Ballot

California Lieutenant Governor Wants Trump Kicked Off State’s Ballot


Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian/Public Domain

This week the Colorado Supreme Court ruled that Donald Trump could not be on their state’s ballot in the presidential race due to his alleged incitement of insurrection.

Now other states are following Colorado’s lead. First came Michigan, and now the biggest state in the country is attempting to follow suit.

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California Too?

As legal scholar Jonathan Turley recently wrote, the temptation is just too great for Democrat politicians to play above board, in spite of all their teeth-gnashing about “protecting democracy.”

Yahoo News reports:

On Thursday, California’s Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis called on the secretary of state to “explore every legal option to remove former President Donald Trump from California’s 2024 presidential primary ballot,” leveraging the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision as a precedent.

“This decision is about honoring the rule of law in our country and protecting the fundamental pillars of our democracy,” Kounalakis wrote in the letter. “California must stand on the right side of history. California is obligated to determine if Trump is ineligible for the California ballot.”

“There will be the inevitable political punditry about a decision to remove Trump from the ballot, but it is not a matter of political gamesmanship. This is a dire matter that puts at stake the sanctity of our constitution and our democracy,” she concluded.

Actually, it’s a direct assault on the Constitution – and the Democrats are well aware of it. President Trump isn’t guilty of “insurrection” just because Democrat politicians say so.

And yet, Colorado, Michigan, and California aren’t alone. As Yahoo points out, there are also challenges lined up in Alaska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, South Carolina, Texas, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Vermont, and Virginia.”

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Threatening Democracy

It’s funny how many Democrats want to kick Trump off of ballots in the name of protecting democracy, when letting voters choose is actual democracy.

The states doing this are threatening long established democratic norms in the United States, and ultimately it will be up to the Supreme Court on whether they will be allowed to keep doing it.

After that, it will be up to the people to keep or toss those responsible.

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