Home Politics Breaking Big in Wisconsin: Legislation Introduced to Eliminate ERIC System | The...

Breaking Big in Wisconsin: Legislation Introduced to Eliminate ERIC System | The Gateway Pundit


States on the ERIC System. From 32 to 23 since the 2020 election.

Guest post by Jefferson Davis

Madison – Sen. Stroebel (R-Saukville) and Rep. Bodden (R-Stockbridge) introduced legislation today to have Wisconsin join 10 out of 31 other states that have voted to sever their contract with the highly questionable and ethically and legally challenged voter database organization, E.R.I.C.  The Arizona democrat governor is the only elected public official to have vetoed the bill that would have terminated their contract with E.R.I.C.
The Gateway Pundit has documented many times why so many states are leaving E.R.I.C. .

There are many reasons why so many states, with more to come, have led the way, now including Wisconsin, why it is critical to leave E.R.I.C. as follows:

  1. Costly mandated GOTV activities are unrelated to list maintenance.
  2. Sharing data with 3rd party CEIR for “research purposes” in 2020.
  3. ERIC increasingly engages in efforts that are not list maintenance.
  4. E.RI.C. appears to be not open to any suggested changes from State Members.
  5. The recently removed Wisconsin’s Administrator of Elections has served as the Chairman of the Board for E.R.I.C. and continues to be a Board Member, which could be construed as a major conflict of interest – click here – Who We Are – ERIC, Inc. (ericstates.org))
  6. Potential significant increases in dues for Wisconsin because so many States have left.
  7. The work product that E.R.I.C. is required to provide contractually, can be done in-house.
  8. Concerns about stewardship, maintenance, privacy, and confidentiality of voter data.
On top of the developing news out of Wisconsin to leave E.R.I.C., is the additional explosive news that a 23-page 15 Articles of Impeachment Resolution has been filed against the recently removed Administrator of Elections, Meagan Wolfe, who refuses to leave the taxpayer funded office area while hiding under another democrat lawsuit that may ultimately lead to her being physically removed from the office while clinging to any last items of possession.

Additional Assembly Members are being asked to sign on to the Articles of Impeachment Resolution to actually start the process of impeaching the Administrator of Elections who refuses to leave her office in Madison to move the impeachment process forward if the Administrator of Elections doesn’t follow the historic September 14th unanimous vote by Senate Republicans to not reappoint her to a new 4-year term.

Kudos to Rep. Brandtjen (R-Menomonee Falls), Rep. Allen (R-Waukesha), Rep. Wichgers (R-Muskego), Rep. Bodden (R-Stockbridge) and Rep. Behnke (R-Oconto) for having the courage, conviction and commitment to do the right thing when it becomes so painfully obvious that the administration of elections in Wisconsin needs to immediately go in a new direction to protect the integrity of those elections for all Wisconsin voters.

Speaker Vos (R-Rochester) has to facilitate the process of moving the impeachment of the Administrator of Elections forward.

Speaker Vos (R-Rochester) has repeatedly called for the resignation of the Administrator of Elections over the years (click here.
Please contact Speaker Vos (R-Rochester) and ask him to follow through with his repeated requests for the Administrator of Elections to resign by asking the Speaker to immediately implement the constitutional and statutory process forward of impeaching the Administrator of Elections who refuses to leave the Madison office.
The phone number and email address for Speaker Vos (R-Rochester) are as follows: 608-237-9163 and [email protected].

Once the simple majority of Representatives in the Assembly vote to impeach the Administrator of Elections, a super majority of the Wisconsin Senate would then have to convict the Administrator of Elections to provide an extra layered legal process to have her removed due to her refusal to leave after the historic Senate vote on September 14th to not reappoint her to a 4-year term.

The Republicans control the Assembly 64-35 and the Senate 22-11, a super majority.

On top of the developing news of leaving E.R.I.C. and the 15 Articles of Impeachment for the Administrator of Elections, comes even more explosive news out of Wisconsin involving what appears to be a massive dark money laundering scheme for campaign donations primarily to democrat candidates, office holders and or liberal causes.

The way the scheme appears to work is as follows:

  • There appears to be a very large money source accessible to only certain individuals to primarily benefit liberal campaigns, candidates, office holders and or causes.
  • Someone(s) is accessing the money source and divvying it up to those designated liberal campaigns, candidates, office holders and or causes as directed.
  • Innocent names and addresses are being used as to having made these donations without their knowledge or approval.
  • This a nationwide operation that is in the billions of dollars of magnitude being moved around on a daily basis.
  • The end game will be to refer this matter to trusted law enforcement officials who will hopefully refer the matter to prosecutorial authorities knowing that democrats will file lawsuits to cover up this scheme hoping to make sure it never sees the light of day.

The Gateway Pundit has reported on this apparent scheme for a number of years

Local Talk Show Host Dan O’Donnell, AM 1130 WISN, has covered this developing story extensively and his Shows from Sept. 20th and Sept. 21st can be listened to here:

After nearly 3 years of frustration, disappointment, setbacks and confusion, it appears that the worm may be turning, and election integrity may be restored to protect and preserve the constitutional representative republic and the legal certification of Wisconsin’s 10 Electoral College Votes.

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