Home Top 10 BMind AI smart mirror ensures you know who’s the fairest of them...

BMind AI smart mirror ensures you know who’s the fairest of them all


CES often surfaces the weird and wonderful of tech innovation as well as the flagship products ending up in millions of homes.

The BMind smart mirror from Baracode definitely fits into the former category. It’s laden with an AI smart assistant that can aid your mental health through positive reinforcement and help with managing stress and anxiety. So, in essence, it’ll answer the fabled question: “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all”

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While working as a regular bathroom mirror, it’s also equipped with a CareOS platform that’ll use your expressions, demeanour, and tone of voice to identify mood and mental state to provide recommendations, guided meditation and offer affirmations. It responds to gestures, voice commands and “intent detection”.

There’s no need for touch (and hence fingerprints) and it’s less invasive than other moods trackers and wearables. There’s a 4K HDR camera and there’s facial recognition tech to ensure each of the users privacy is protected. It’ll be out this year at some point and will cost up to $1,000, the company says at CES.

“BMind is powered by Generative AI for conversation and coaching experiences as well as Natural Language Processing (NLP) for sentiment analysis,” a press release says.

“It identifies different sentiments and adapts to the user’s mood by providing light therapy sessions, and personalised, auto-generated mindfulness exercises such as guided meditation and self-affirations.

“Through CareOS interface, BMind harnesses cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) and utilises Computer Vision and Large Language Models to interpret expressions, gestures, and language.”

The self-improvement tools are powered by ThrivePal, which is an AI-powered coaching platform that specialises in helping folks achieve personal growth and improve productiveness and relationships.

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