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Bill Maher on CNN: ‘I Don’t Think History is Going to Treat Joe Biden Kindly’ (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit


Liberal talk host Bill Maher appeared on CNN this weekend and told Jake Tapper that he doesn’t think history will be kind to Joe Biden.

Maher’s criticism stems mainly from Joe Biden’s decision to run for a second term before ultimately bowing out. Maher compares Biden to late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who was hailed as a hero by the left until she died during Trump’s first term, giving him the opportunity to name her replacement.

While Maher is likely right about Joe Biden and history, his criticism is solely about what Biden has done to the Democrat party. Biden will not be treated kindly by history for a whole slew of things that he did as president, not just for what he did to Democrats.

Transcript via Real Clear Politics:

TAPPER: So I’m writing an election book, and one of the things I just stumbled on was a monologue you gave in October 2023 in which you warned the Democratic Party of Ruth Bader Biden. You were saying the American people think he’s too old. You’re too you’re worried about this.

You had a great line about it doesn’t matter if he’s a national treasure and has done great things. If you got on an airplane and you heard that Buzz Aldrin was the pilot, you’d get off. I’m sorry for botching.

You’re a very funny joke. But they didn’t listen to you. But you were proven correct.

MAHER: Yeah. And I felt I had standing to make that case because I had for so many years been the only person I know on television who was consistently railing against ageism. I have been saying for years ageism is the last allowable prejudice that we can have in this country.

You can always do the age jokes. You can always rail on people for being too old. And it was, as I said, a case by case basis.

Some people at 70 are act like they’re 100 years old and some people are like 40 year olds. But this was a case, OK, where Biden was too old. Having made that case that it’s a case by case basis, I was now saying, yes, some of those cases are that the person just is too old for the job.

And he was going to be much like Ruth Bader Ginsburg, someone who was seen in history as one who stayed out, stayed at the fair too long and cost his party dearly. And he did. And, you know, I don’t think history is going to treat Joe Biden kindly for doing that.

This video is cued to start at the 2:12 mark, just press play:

Maher is taking a slightly more agnostic approach to Trump in his second term, but still remains highly critical of him. At the very least, Maher has become very critical of the radical left in recent years as well.

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