Home Politics Biden Lashes Out After People Begin Doubting COVID Shots | The Gateway...

Biden Lashes Out After People Begin Doubting COVID Shots | The Gateway Pundit


In a Wednesday speech in San Francisco, President Joe Biden hammered Americans for shying away from taking any more shots for new coronavirus variants and for increasingly turning a deaf ear to discussions about vaccines.

Biden appeared at the Fairmont San Francisco Hotel in San Francisco, California, to deliver a short speech on America’s efforts on artificial intelligence for scientific research and medical applications. But at the outset of his little address, he went off on vaccines.

Biden opened his speech claiming that it has “disturbed” him that the federal government has not paid attention to “investments in science and technology” over the past 30 years, according to the White House transcript of the event.

“We used to lead the world” in research and development in science and technology, he said. U.S. spending on such things has fallen from 2 percent of Gross Domestic Product to only .07 percent, Biden noted.

He added, “And I don’t know how we can be the safest, most secure, and healthiest nation in the world without significant investment in — in science and technology.”

The president then urged everyone to talk more about the need for this investment in research. And that led him to go off on vaccine deniers.

“And one of those areas — you saw what happened with regard to the crisis — health crisis that we had that cost us,” Biden exclaimed. “We lost well over a million people. And as time began to move on, you had more and more voices saying, ‘No, no, no. You don’t need to get that shot. You don’t need to be — get — you don’t need to.’

“And we have a new strain of COVID now, and we have answers for it. But I just would urge those in public life and both political parties or no political party to be cautious about the ac- — the sometimes inflammatory things you say about this, because people’s lives are at stake,” he railed.

The World Health Organization claims that 1,127,152 Americans died from COVID. That number may be high, since there was so much fraud in data collection, especially early in the pandemic. But even if that is the proper number, it can be compared to the one million Americans who have died from drug overdoses since the year 1999, with 106,700 of that number dead from opioids in 2021 alone.

Yet, Joe Biden rarely mentions the opioid and fentanyl crisis at all. And that is something we can reduce with serious-minded border, drug and law enforcement policies that Biden refuses to put in place.

In addition, if the number of deaths due to COVID are correct, it also shows that the U.S. still had higher rates of death from the virus despite the ubiquitous “voices” speaking in favor of the various COVID-19 vaccines throughout the pandemic years.

The U.S. had higher COVID death counts than other “wealthy countries,” The New York Times reported in 2022.

This is despite the fact that the U.S. stands in the “above world average” category for the number of citizens who have been administered at least one COVID-19 shot and reaching 81.82 percent of the population, according to Johns Hopkins.

This effort to force the shot on the nation by any means necessary does not seem to have worked as well as advocates claimed it would if everyone got the vax, not just here, but elsewhere, as well.

And like many other world governments, many state governments in the U.S. pulled out all the stops to force people to take the shots, often with disastrous effect. Officials and employers threatened to take away our jobs, our freedom, our education and our futures to force us all to run to some health provider to get our jabs. You were barred from eating at restaurants, attending school and in many cases were fired from your job if you didn’t take the vaccine.

The federal government got in the act to a lesser degree by cashiering thousands of U.S. soldiers from the service because they would not take the vaccine, shutting down federal government offices, and floating vaccine mandates all across Washington D.C.

Biden’s pleas to get people talking about his beloved vaccine all seems far more like an effort to exert power than one to prevent disease. And clearly, Biden is seething still today that he never had the powers of coercion that other nations visited upon their citizens during the worst of the pandemic hysteria.



This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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