Home Technology Best mods for Horizon Forbidden West

Best mods for Horizon Forbidden West


Now Sony has deemed PC gamers worthy of finally getting their hands on the stunningly beautiful Horizon Forbidden West, a couple of years after it amazed on the PlayStation, we are already beginning to see what PC modders can do with the game to make it even prettier. Here we are going to look at the best mods for Horizon Forbidden West, explain what they do, and help you decide if you want to install them into your own game.

Mods have started appearing that can make a huge difference to how the game looks, as well as ones that can unlock the later stages and the DLC if you have bought it (the DLC kicks in part way through the main story so you cannot play it from the off).

Best Horizon Forbidden West Mods

The majority of mods currently available work on either the look of the graphics or are save games you can add in to help you unlock later areas of the game. As these aren’t true mods as such we will gloss over those and start with some graphical enhancements for Aloy and her universe.

Giorma’s Photorealistic Reshade v1.0

Reshades are always popular mods but also tend to be quite subjective when it comes to whether you like them or not. In case you don’t know Reshade is a program that injects, in layman’s terms, a filter over what you see, sort of like Instagram does in effect, to change the look of the graphics.

This Photorealistic Reshade does a nice job of toning down some of the brightness to give it a more realistic look. We would probably say Photorealistic is a bit of good PR rather than accurate, but it does provide a noticeably different feel to the affair.

No More Yellow Tint

A screen from Horizons Forbidden West showing a graphical enhancement applied

For reasons known only to the devs Horizon Forbidden West seems to have a weird yellow tint to its graphics, a tint that doesn’t seem to be needed, and more importantly, a tint that has been removed with this Reshade from ConsensusAI.

It definitely makes things look more natural. It seems churlish to complain about Horizon’s graphics because they are so good, but that does not mean they cannot be tweaked.

Visuals Enchanced

A screen from Horizons Forbidden West showing a graphical enhancement applied

We are taking the liberty of assuming that this Reshade mod should be called Visuals Enhanced and Enchanced is merely a typo, but that is whatit  is currently called, so who are we to argue?
Visuals Enchances also removes the yellow tint as above but also introduces more tropical greens and photorealistic coloring. At the moment it is probably our favorite graphical enhancement (enchancement?) mod out there.

We will update this page with new, cool mods, as and when they arrive.

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