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“As a Result of This Decision, Businesses Are Going to Flee New York – With Tens of Thousands of Jobs” – Trump Goes Off on Crooked New York Courts During Michigan Speech (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit


President Trump was in rare form Saturday night at his massive rally in Waterford Township, Michigan.

The rally was held one day after a New York City judge ordered him to pay $355 million to New York State for paying his business loans off on time and with interest. This case could possibly be the start of the end of the United States as we know it if it is not overturned.

Democrats are behaving like rapid Marxists in their lawfare attacks on President Trump and his supporters. They demand that the people genuflect to their power and never question their lies. It’s straight out of Mao’s Little Red Book.

Trump fired a warning shot at New York state on Saturday night. This will not end well for the Empire State.

President Trump: Lunatics! There’s no respect. There’s no decorum, especially for someone that they know hasn’t done anything wrong. We haven’t done anything wrong. We’ve done nothing wrong. This last case is, we haven’t done anything wrong… How about the one two weeks ago? A woman, I’m saying, who the hell is she? Who is the woman?

It’s so unfair what’s happening in our country. Our court system is a mess. What’s happened, happening in our country. They have to straighten it out. All you see is bitterness and revenge and hatred, judge and jury, and they just fined me $355,000,000 for doing everything right. $355, and these repulsive abuses of power are not just an attack on me. They’re really an attack on you and all Americans.

It’s a disgusting. It’s a disgusting thing. I deal with a bank. The bank is happy. There’s no victims. There’s no anything. $355,000,000. I paid off a mortgage for a tiny fraction of that amount. I borrowed money, and they wanted me to borrow the money. I didn’t even need the money they want ed me to borrow, because that’s what they do…

…In New York State, nobody’s going back to New York state. A lot of people are leaving, a lot of businesses, but they fined me $355,000,000. Nothing like this has ever happened. This judge is a lunatic. And if you’ve ever watched him and the Attorney General may be worse. She may be worse. You ever watch her? I will get Donald Trump. Her campaign – I will get Donald Trump. I promise I will get him. She knows nothing about me… She says I will get him!

As a result of this decision, businesses are going to flee New York State. They already are taking with them tens of thousands of jobs because they can’t subject themselves to this. And if this persecution of political opponents continues, no one will want to do business in the United States of America any longer. We will truly become a third world country. We are going to. We are already, in many ways, if you look at our border, we are worse.

Via Midnight Rider.

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