Home Top 10 Apple Music, Apple TV, and Apple Devices apps launch on Windows

Apple Music, Apple TV, and Apple Devices apps launch on Windows


Apple has finally launched native apps for Apple Music, Apple TV, and Apple Devices for Windows PCs.

For the longest time now the core functions of these three apps have been covered under the umbrella of the ancient iTunes app. Overstuffed is the word.

Now Microsoft’s Rudy Hayn has announced the availability of Apple Music, Apple TV, and Apple Devices apps for Windows PC users.

Apple TV obviously serves as a way to manage and play all of your Apple movie and TV purchases on your PC, as well as you Apple TV+ subscription if active. Apple Music does the same for all of your old iTunes tracks, as well as your Apple Music subscription if you’re not a Spotify person (other music streaming services are available).

Apple Devices lets you manage all of your iOS devices from your Windows PC via a wired hook-up, just as iTunes used to do. You can sync music, movies, and TV shows to your iPhone or iPad the old fashioned way, as well as back up and restore your device. No iCloud required.

All of these Apple apps require Windows 10 or later to function. Note that while iTunes appears to become all but obsolete after installing these three apps (though you may want to access podcasts and audiobooks through it), your iTunes library will still be required by Apple Music and Apple TV to store all your local media files. Don’t go deleting it.

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