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Analogue 3D will let you play all your old N64 games in 2024


Retro game hardware maker Analogue has revealed that it will be releasing the Analogue 3D with full Nintendo 64 (aka N64) compatibility in 2024.

Analogue has built up an outstanding reputation in recent years for building consoles and handhelds that can give your old games a new lease of life. What the Super nt did for the SNES and the Analogue Pocket did for the Game Boy, the Analogue 3D promises to do for Nintendo’s first 3D games console.

Analogue has created a new web page to herald the Analogue 3D, a console that will provide “100% compatibility in every region”, which means all N64 games from the USA, the EU and Japan, with “no emulation”. To achieve this, the company is using field-programmable gate array (FPGA) technology that will effectively run exactly like an original N64 console.

Analogue also promises a 4K resolution output for modern TVs, albeit with “reference quality recreations of specific model CRT’s and PVM’s”, as well as “Original Display Modes”.

Analogue 3D controller

The console itself will support wireless bluetooth and 2.4g, and will feature four original controller ports, just like the N64 itself.

That’s about it for solid details on this Analogue 3D N64 console, with the full release set for next year. We do get a couple of teaser images, seemingly of a portion of the console itself, as well as a wireless controller that’ll be launching with the console.

Even with so few details, this is one of the most exciting announcements in the retro/emulation field for some time. It sees Analogue making the sizeable leap from Nintendo’s 8 and 16-bit machines to the decidedly awkward 64-bit console that played host to some defining early 3D classics.

Better dust off those Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time cartridges. Maybe give them a blow to be sure.

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