Home Fashion Adobe Suite Makes It Easy To Streamline Your Creations

Adobe Suite Makes It Easy To Streamline Your Creations


While at the conference also uncovered the secret to how creators get their images to look so crisp and high quality: Adobe Lightroom. Many creators use Lightroom when editing and are able to create a unique aesthetic for their imagery on their respective social platforms. Some of the new features that Lightroom offers made me sit up in my seat — namely the newly launched AI masking software, which allows users to remove and add objects, clothing, backgrounds, people, and more. To be honest, AI isn’t featured in many of the Adobe products, and I didn’t have a lot of knowledge on its many capabilities, so prior to attending the conference, I wasn’t too sure about AI.  However, during the sessions and keynote speeches, I was able to learn more about how the use of AI is mainly to help us create more — not take away from the creative process. I got to have a 1:1 session with an Adobe Photoshop expert who walked me through the AI-generating tool before giving me the opportunity to play around with the tool on my own. I was able to extend my background and swap out objects as I saw fit. Though I am more of a video creator, it was still pretty cool to learn about these tools, because they inspired me to try something new for my own personal content.

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