Home Top 10 So that's how you remove the Switch 2 Joy-Con controllers

So that's how you remove the Switch 2 Joy-Con controllers


A fresh little snippet of information has been gleaned from official Nintendo sources concerning the Switch 2 and its Joy-Con release mechanism.

While we received a brief hardware rundown for Nintendo’s new Switch 2 console last week, there are still plenty of unanswered questions. Such as, how do those new larger Joy-Con controllers actually affix to the Switch 2 console? And how do you remove them?

The answer to the latter of those two related questions, at least, was there in plain site on Nintendo’s website – presumably since the console’s unveiling.

Polygon has spotted that the little looping video of the Switch 2 that plays on the console’s official website holds the answer. After 20 seconds or so, the view switches to a rear close-up of the right-hand Joy-Con, and that new laterally-aligned button just under the trigger buttons.

As suspected, pressing this releases the Joy-Con, top half first. What’s easy to miss is that the central section of the little concentric circular element on the inside edge of the Joy-Con appears to retract as the Joy-Con pops out and the trigger mechanism returns to its default position.

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This would appear to suggest that this tiny cylinder is pushed out by the trigger button in order to physically push the Joy-Con out. It seems to be another fact to strengthen the case for the Switch 2 using powerful magnets to make its second-gen Joy-Cons stick.

If it sounds as if we’re clutching at straws here for Nintendo Switch 2 information, it’s because Nintendo really didn’t leave us with much – just a two minute (and 22 seconds) render video.

The big Switch 2 reveal won’t take place until April 2, when we’re expecting much more on games, capabilities, pricing, and release dates.

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