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A Life Well Lived – Warren Upton, Oldest Living Survivor of Pearl Harbor Attack Dies at 105 Years Old | The Gateway Pundit


Warren Upton, oldest living survivor of Pearl Harbor dies at 105 years of age on 12/25/24

As the years go by, there are fewer survivors of WWII. When a serviceman lives to be well over 100 years old, it is something worth noting.

Warren Upton, who was the oldest living survivor of the Pearl Harbor attack, died at 105 years of age this past Wednesday after getting pneumonia. He passed away in a hospital in Los Gatos, California.

Upton was also the last remaining serviceman to survive the USS Utah after his passing. After two torpedoes struck the battleship, he swam to safety to Ford Island. He was 22 years old at the time of the attack.

For the most part, Upton felt comfortable discussing his experience of that tragic day. What affected him the most was learning of other shipmates’ passings throughout the years.

Fox News Reported:

Warren Upton, the oldest living survivor of the 1941 Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the last remaining survivor of the USS Utah, has died. He was 105.

Upton died Wednesday at a hospital in Los Gatos, California, after suffering a bout of pneumonia, said Kathleen Farley, the California state chair of the Sons and Daughters of Pearl Harbor Survivors.

The Utah, a battleship, was moored at Pearl Harbor when Japanese planes began bombing the Hawaii naval base in the early hours of Dec. 7, 1941, in an attack that propelled the U.S. into World War II.

“There were an estimated 87,000 military personnel on Oahu on the day of the attack, according to military historian J. Michael Wenger. After Upton’s death, only 15 are still alive,” Fox News Reported.


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