Home Politics Woke, Far-Left Women Announce They Are Going on Sex Strikes Following Trump’s...

Woke, Far-Left Women Announce They Are Going on Sex Strikes Following Trump’s Landslide Election Victory (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit


Just over a week ago, President Trump won a landslide victory over Kamala Harris to achieve a second term in office. Several epic tantrums on the part of liberals followed this.

Now, some liberal women are so triggered that they are pledging to permanently forgo sex with men as a way to punish them. They have joined what is known as the radical feminist 4B Movement, which first originated in South Korea.

The movement has four requirements for women who participate: No dating men, no marrying men, no sex with men, and no childbirth.

As NBC reports, the 4B Movement is starting to take off in the United States. For example, it became one of the top trending searches on Google immediately following Trump’s win.

These women see themselves as striking back against a “patriarchy” and providing themselves leverage over ‘sex-starved’ men. As one will also see, these females have taken steps to make themselves look less attractive, including shaving off their hair.

Have a look:

4B ‘feminist’ Ashli Pollard told USA Today she joined the movement two years ago for “non-political” reasons. But now she confirms the movement is catching on among liberal women in part due to Trump’s election.

“A lot of women don’t feel taken care of by the government in their homes in many different ways. We see Brock Turner getting let off. We see Brett Kavanaugh walking. We see Trump becoming president,” Pollard says. “And so there comes a time when women going through life start to notice all of these experiences, noticing all of these cultural moments, and feeling completely overlooked.”

The insane movement has also received the endorsement of far-left “The View” co-host Whoopi Goldberg, who is blaming “right-wing” male incels.

“A lot of women are preparing themselves for the impact of the incoming administration which has led to this growing mantra from male right-wing incels: ‘Your body, my choice,’” Goldberg said.

“I’m just gonna say this,” she added. “You didn’t get here by yourself, men. You can’t do this without us, and if we don’t let you, you don’t get any. It’s that simple.”

This will not help alter America’s plummeting birth rate, although it could eventually harm the Democratic Party’s political fortunes.

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