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“I Came Out of Jail Mentally and Physically Sharper” Steve Bannon Tells The Gateway Pundit. HE’S BACK AND READY TO FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!!! | The Gateway Pundit


“I Came Out of Jail Mentally and Physically Sharper,” Steve Bannon told The Gateway Pundit.

Bannon was just released from prison after he defied the fraudulent Unselect Committee’s subpoena.

Here is the transcript from the interview:

Cara: Cara Castronuova from the Gateway Pundit. Thank God you’re back.

Steve Bannon: Thank God you’re here covering this.

Cara: My question is, Kamala Harris and the Democrats are saying that Trump is going to use lawfare and political persecution if he gets in office. What’ s your response to that?

Steve Bannon: I just got out of federal prison with their political persecution as a political prisoner and their lawfare. So I think watch their actions, not their words. They have weaponized the Justice Department. They have people in prison that were praying in front of abortion centers. They have Peter Navarro in prison. Myself [was] in prison. They’ve indicted President Trump. They’ve indicted the elderly people tied to the 2020 election in Michigan, in Arizona, in Georgia. They have weaponized the justice system and they’ve weaponized the Justice Department. So I think that they are well ahead of this and President Trump will stop that when he’s elected.

Cara: Do you think that he will arrest people that deserve to be arrested or he’ll let bygones be like the first time?

Steve Bannon: Well, I don’t think he’s going to arrest anybody. I think what you’ll have is official apparatuses like the House, like the Senate, like the Inspector General of the Justice Department with the IG report. You’re going to adjudicate these things through proper methods. But what we’re not going to do is something like the J6 committee that didn’t have a ranking member on a committee. It was illegally set
up. It didn’t have a ranking member on the committee. It didn’t have minority counsel. People never got the documents. People never got to cross-examine the witnesses. President Trump won’t stand for that. He’ll stand for something that’s fair.

Cara: Last question, you said you got stronger. I really love that. I wanted to end on that. How did prison make you stronger?

Steve Bannon: Prison is a very dangerous environment, you’ve got to be very focused 24/7. So I came out there mentally sharper, physically sharper. It’s a place that you have to be incredibly focused 24 hours a day. And so for me, I came out in much better shape. And I did that because I wanted to put it up in Nancy Pelosi’s face.

Cara: Well thank you for everything you’ve done for America.

Steve Bannon: Thank you.

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