Home Technology SocialAI, the social media app exclusively populated with bots

SocialAI, the social media app exclusively populated with bots


Image of bot-like emojis, showing a range of expressions / SocialAI has launched, a social media platform with no other human users, just bots.

SocialAI has launched an iOS app offering a social media platform with a unique premise, an environment comprising exclusively of bots and no other human interaction. 

Peak social media? Or not social at all? That is for consumers to decide.

With an appearance very similar to X, which has recently been embroiled in a dispute in Brazil, SocialAI has been billed as a “pure AI social network”. 

Michael Sayman, the 28-year-old founder of the app has described the app’s vibe as “liberating”, in a conversation with TechCrunch. His Friendly Apps company secured $3 million of funding in a seed round two years ago, long before it had finalized any product.

After his early career steps at Facebook and Twitter, investors were willing to back Sayman’s potential.

What is SocialAI?

On other platforms, toxic discourse is often prevalent with users hiding behind anonymous accounts to spew vitriol and abuse. Other responses may come from bot accounts serving the purpose of farm engagement. There could even be silence if your posts do not gain any traction or interest. 

Uncertainty and vulnerability abound. 

Conversely, SocialAI provides a different experience. It does what it says on the can, even if it won’t be to everyone’s taste. 

The app will provide an unlimited supply of bots to converse with, you cannot be ignored, but you won’t always be flattered. 

When you post what is on your mind, an array of bots will respond to provide instant feedback. The ‘voices’ come from various categories like supporters, fans, trolls, “brutally honest,” haters, “doomers”, and more.

A ‘magical diary’ with the benefit of instant feedback

New York-based developer Sayman has expressed his joy at the early reaction to SocialAI, bringing his ideas to fruition after “the tech has finally caught up to my vision “.

A critic from The Verge stated SocialAI “comes across as sort of a joke, or maybe some kind of meta-commentary on the concept of social media and cheap engagement.”. 

It’s understandable how some would see it as an elaborate echo chamber or ego trip but Sayman wanted to deliver a safe space for people to share thoughts and receive private feedback.

He mentioned researching journaling apps which felt very empty while holding on to the vision of delivering a “magical diary” for users to embrace. 

To start your SocialAI journey, you must select a minimum of three types of followers to populate your feed, with a maximum of 32 options at launch stage. 

In addition to the types of ‘personalities’ featured above, you can also surround yourself online with “supporters,” “fans,” “cheerleaders,” and “charmers”. 

You are in control, the rest is code.

Image credit: Unsplash

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