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Alien: Rogue Incursion – in VR, the rest of the street can hear you scream – new trailer enough to send shivers down your spine


The drone sounds, the darkness, and the Xenomorphs scuttling around unseen. Ah, Aliens is back, as scary as ever and that’s before you pop your Quest 3 on.

Alien: Rogue Incursion is set to be a holiday treat for VR fans as the seminal sci-fi horror arrives on Quest 3, PCVR, and PSVR2. Sure we have dabbled modding Alien: Isolation before and that was scary enough, but this is a bespoke VR terror game that sets out to make you sweat more than if you have just done a VR Les Mills Full Body Workout.

With the new Alien: Romulus arriving in theatres right about now, pre-ordering Rogue Incursion will also bag you a Romulus-inspired weapon and skin to go Xenomorph hunting with (actually, are you hunting them, or are they hunting you? Are we the baddies here?)

A watch of the short (it’s less than a minute long) trailer is enough to convince us this is going to be as creepy as hell, and while fundamentally a first-person shooter at heart, the setting of the Alien universe is enough to put us on edge just thinking about it.

For more information on Rogue Incursion, you can check out the website and pre-order. Unlike many VR games, this is pretty much full price and can be picked up in one of two flavors – the Standard Edition and the Deluxe Edition. This is also something you don’t see too often with VR releases.

The Standard Edition will cost you $39.99 with the Deluxe adding $10 to that amount. It does get you the base game as well as a Blue Camo character and weapon skin and the promise of “more to come”, but they will need to work a bit harder on the extras to get me enticed in there.

As we mentioned pre-ordering also gets you the Romulus goodies with either version too.

For extra immersion and spinning round shooting wildly, you should probably check out the Roto VR chair we looked at yesterday. However, extra immersion in a game like this could well tip you over the edge, so tread warily.

The post Alien: Rogue Incursion – in VR, the rest of the street can hear you scream – new trailer enough to send shivers down your spine appeared first on ReadWrite.

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