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Trump Just Disqualified Himself From Ever Being President Again


In an unhinged rant on Fox News, Trump claimed that the FBI had been plotting against him while he was president and planned to get him out of office with ‘fake’ charges.


Trump said on Fox News’s Sunday Morning Futures when asked about the FBI:

When you have McCabe and you have Lisa Page and the whole group, Strzok, Strzok and Page, that was a wonderful couple, when you had all of these people with the insurance policy, what happens, darling, what happens if he doesn’t, what happens if he wins? Oh, it won’t happen. 

But if he does, remember this, but if he does, we have an insurance policy. Well, the insurance policy is we’re going to get him out. How bad — when you see that, now, if I didn’t fire Comey, and, remember, some people said, oh, you should have fired — I fired him very early, very, very early. You know, a lot of people, some very smart people that you know very well said I made a mistake in firing Comey because that upset the apple cart. Now they say it was one of the greatest instinc moves that they’ve ever seen because the insurance policy was they were going to get me out. They were going to try and get me out by making fake charges and fake crimes. Who would have thought this could happen to our country? It’s not even possible.

Donald Trump wants to be president, but he thinks that the FBI was plotting to get him while he was in the Oval Office. The claim is so absurd that it reveals how unstable Trump is. Trump can’t be trusted with any form of power.

Play this clip for any voter who is not already a Deonald Trump supporter and they should be deeply troubled.

The former president what is going on in his mind, and those thought are extremely dangerous to US and global security.

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