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“Doing the Work that ERIC’s Not Doing” – TGP’s Patty McMurray Debunks NYT Hit Piece on Michigan Election Integrity Groups on The War Room with Steve Bannon (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit


Steve Bannon and TGP’s Patty McMurray on The War Room.

Over the weekend The New York Times published a major hit piece on election integrity groups who are working in several states today to help clean up the bloated voter rolls.

This is an honorable effort by several different conservative and non-partisan groups who are following the law and working to ensure secure and honest American elections.

Of course, the left fears these groups and detests election integrity like a cockroach fears the light.

Hence, the latest NY Times hit piece:

Trump’s Allies Ramp Up Campaign Targeting Voter Rolls

Before The New York Times hit piece was released, The Gateway Pundit’s Patty McMurray published our response to their hit piece.

The Times had reached out to several Michigan election integrity activists and we obviously knew it was not going to be a fair report.

Michigan ‘Check My Vote’ Election Integrity Group Publishes Blistering Response to NY Times Hack Reporter’s Attack on Their Work Before Times Piece Goes to Print

On Tuesday Patty McMurray went on The War Room with Steve Bannon to discuss the hit piece and defend the amazing citizen volunteers who are cleaning up the voter rolls in Michigan.

Patty McMurray: We have an organization in Michigan called Check My Vote. It’s an all volunteer organization. It’s run by volunteers. Two brilliant men, Phani Mabtravadi and Tim Vetter, who started this organization. They’re both involved in the IT business. They created a website where individuals in Michigan can go and check their vote on the voter rolls.

I tested it out myself and discovered that I was still registered to vote at the home that I grew up in over 30 years ago. And I actually had to go drive to the clerk’s office an hour away and ask them to remove my name from the voter rolls after I discovered it was still there over 30 years later.

So this is an important tool for citizens, and it’s really doing the work that ERIC is not doing. The electronic voter registration group that used to be run by David Becker, the Democrat operative, one of the top Democrat operatives in America, as you know, Steve…

…I recently wrote a story based on the work that checked my vote, that identified an address in Holland, Michigan, that was a nonexistent address that had 19 registered voters. Of the 19 registered voters at this fake address eight of them had voted. I believe it was a total of 13 votes that they cast between the 2000 and 22,022 election.

And we were able to verify that with the county clerk, Bob Genetski, who’s been fabulous in helping us to uncover these inconsistencies in the voter rolls. The story came out and the Holland police Department was asked to investigate it. They turned the investigation over to Jocelyn Benson’s office, and I’ve been told that since then, Jocelyn Benson has quietly removed that address from the voter rolls that had 19 voters attached to it and eight people who had voted…

…Let me tell you, this isn’t a racial issue. Holland is primarily a white district. And this is ridiculous. I mean, these individuals are doing a great job of going through. They’re all volunteers. They have 1000 of them at Checkmyvote.org. It’s an amazing organization, folks.

Read more on CheckMyVote.org and what they’ve accomplished at their webpage..

This was a strong segment at the War Room.

Watch and see how you can get involved.

Via The War Room:

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