Home Top 10 How to spot a great Prime Day deal and what to avoid

How to spot a great Prime Day deal and what to avoid


Amazon Prime Day is upon us and it’s a great way to save some cash on gadgets. But, there’s plenty of wheat to sort from the chaff. Luckily for you, we’re here to help. Here’s some key tips for finding the best products this Prime Day.

There are lots of good tech deals to pick up on Prime Day, but there are lots of bad ones too. We’re going to be covering the entire event, so you’ll be able to rely on us to find top picks whatever your needs, with the highlights found on our Amazon Prime Day 2023 hub.

So, feel free to put your faith in the experts here at Trusted Review to find the best bargains for you. But, if you do go deal-hunting on Amazon, we want to help you navigate the good and the bad. This is how to spot a great Prime Day deal and what to avoid.

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How to spot a great Prime Day deal and what to avoid

Once Amazon Prime Day 2023 kicks off, you won’t be able to move anywhere on the Amazon site without being nudged towards checking out the latest deals. Head to the Prime Day homepage and you’ll see a wide range of the latest deals, from deals that will run over the course of the event to more timely Lightning deals.

To get the best deals on Prime Day, we’d always advise having in mind what you’re looking for. Whether that’s the new TV you’ve felt your living room has been sorely missing to that mobile phone upgrade you’ve been planning on. If you just go browsing aimlessly, you could end up with tech you don’t really need and that’s not saving you money.

So, once you pick your desired category, you can then use filters to make sure the devices you’re looking at suits your needs. Then comes the important part, you should then vet these offers to make sure they offer true savings. Not all deals are actually deals, and these are what you want to avoid.

Again, always look out for the actually good deals we have on the Trusted Reviews site but, if you find an offer yourself, you should use a tool like Keepa to check the quality of the offer. Keepa lets you see the price history of the product on Amazon. Often, some devices will have been the same price as the “deal” available on Prime Day just a few months ago, with a price hike inbetween to make it a “deal” during the event.

You may still want to purchase the product now it’s back at a low price, but it prevents you from being blown away by prices that seem like they’re a rarity when they may not be. In the same vein, always be mindly of the RRP, to see if the new deal price is actually that much lower than its original price.

And, finally, Prime Day isn’t all about savings on Amazon. While everyone is in the online shopping spirit for Amazon’s event, other retailers get in on the action. So, when you see a Prime Day deal, be sure to check competitor retailers like John Lewis, Argos, Currys and more to see if they may offer a better price.

Today’s Best Early Prime Day deals:

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