Home How To’s & Guides Download these cool wallpapers for your phone

Download these cool wallpapers for your phone


Edgar Cervantes / Android Authority

There is an infinity of wallpapers out there. One thing is for sure, though: many of them are very balanced. Minimalist designs seem to be all the hype, but we know those wallpapers are not for everyone. If you want something more exciting, we’ve put together a collection of cool wallpapers for your phone. Let’s go through them and help you set them.

Download these cool wallpapers here

Don’t go rushing! Let’s go over the basics first. Keep in mind the image previews you see below are for demonstration purposes only. These have been compressed and optimized for improved website performance, and won’t look as good on your phone. The button below the previews will redirect you to our Google Drive link with the full-resolution files. Get your cool wallpapers from there, instead.

How to set these cool wallpapers on any phone

The great thing about wallpapers is that these are just images. This means you can set them as backgrounds on any smartphone. We’ll give you instructions for the two most popular mobile platforms here: Android and iOS.

First things first, though. You have to actually get these cool wallpapers on your phone. Either download them straight to your device, or make sure to transfer the files from wherever you downloaded them. You can transfer the wallpapers over USB, Bluetooth, send them to yourself via email, or use Google Drive.

Once the wallpapers are on your device, use the steps below to set them as your background.

How to set a wallpaper on Android:

  1. Launch the Settings app.
  2. Go into the Wallpaper & style option.
  3. Tap on More wallpapers.
  4. Find and select the wallpaper you wish to use.
  5. Make your changes and hit Set wallpaper.
  6. Choose whether you want to set the wallpaper on your Home screen, Lock screen, or Home and lock screens.

How to set a wallpaper on iPhone:

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Go into the Wallpaper option.
  3. Tap on Add New Wallpaper.
  4. Find and select the wallpaper you wish to use.
  5. Make your preferred changes and tap on Add.
  6. Select Set as Wallpaper Pair.

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