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“F**k Off B**ch!” – Man Has Huge Meltdown at Airport and Curses Out Woman in Wheelchair While His Husband Tries to Shut Him Up (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit


Credit: @izzzjson TikTok

Charlotte, North Carolina – A 42-year-old man was caught on video having a massive meltdown at a major international airport while his poor husband desperately attempted to calm him down.

The Daily Mail reported Wednesday that a deranged accountant named Dustin Miller lost his mind at Charlotte Douglas Airport earlier this week, lashing out at staff and cursing out a wheelchair-bound woman.

The couple were waiting to board the flight to Fort Lauderdale, where they live. Miller starts bullying and berating an American Airlines staff member before his husband, Anthony Thorne, jumps in and calls him out for selfish behavior.

“You don’t care about the girls! You don’t care about the girls!” Thorne repeatedly exclaims.

The “girls” Thorne referred to were the couples’ pet dogs, Shelby and Dolly.

Miller then turned to fellow travelers while his husband tried to pull him back. He ends up getting hit in the arm by Miller for his efforts.

“Hello, everybody! American Airlines f**ked us over! Here we go!” Miller yells.

Thorne then angrily confronts his husband and demands he think about their pets.

Shelby and Dolly. Shelby and Dolly. Shelby and Dolly, remember them. Shelby and Dolly. Shelby and Dolly.

I’m just trying to get home to the girls.



Remember the kids Dustin !!! Charlotte Douglas International Airport #fyp #americanairlines

♬ original sound – izzzjson

But when the situation seems to settle down, Miller then argues with a woman in a wheelchair. The video concludes with him cursing her out.

“F**k off, b**ch!” he screams.

At this point, it is unknown what caused Miller to melt down completely, but ever since the COVID pandemic, awful behavior at airports has become more frequent.

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