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How Could Jan 6 Be an Insurrection When It was “Virtual…Without Weapons”? – Rudy Giuliani with Dr. Maria Ryan | The Gateway Pundit


This article originally appeared on JoeHoft.com and was republished with permission.

On Friday, Rudy Giuliani and Dr. Maria Ryan joined the Joe Hoft Show to discuss the FBI, DOJ, COVID, and the 2020 Election crimes. 

It was an honor to interview Dr. Maria Ryan and Rudy Giuliani on the Joe Hoft Show on TNTRadio.live on Friday morning.

Dr. Maria Ryan is a Board Certified Nurse Practitioner with a Ph.D. in Health Care Administration.  Dr. Ryan can remember reading about COVID years before COVID-19 rocked the world.  She had a lot of faith in the healthcare community even at the beginning of the crisis, like most Americans did, but then she noticed some things.

But then when medicine and the CDC turned its back on science, it broke my heart.  We know that hydroxychloroquine has anti-viral properties and it has forever.  It’s a really good medicine…So we’re just not going to treat people?”

Dr. Ryan goes on to discuss zinc and how the medical profession attacked those who questioned the mainstream narratives.  She was particularly perturbed when the medical profession suggested the COVID-19 vaccine on newborns.  This was particularly frustrating as it simply was not necessary.

Yet people were shamed into taking the vaccines and shamed if they didn’t.

Next, Rudy Giuliani shared on the corrupt DOJ and the efforts needed to address it when President Trump wins the election.

It’s an emergency really because we are in fact now a system of justice that’s corrupt…Our justice system in general, I think now would be institutionally corrupted by the two-tiered system of justice [if rated on its features today].

That’s even a euphemism.  A two-tiered system of justice is not a system of justice because it means that one tier is not getting justice, one tier, on side is being treated unjustly and you can’t avoid that any longer.

Rudy then said that this problem started at least since the Hillary Clinton case when Comey let her go.

That began my disillusionment with the FBI, which am very close to.  I was their man of the year in 2015…But now it’s more than just a few.  You can no longer say that it’s only a couple of bad apples at the top.  They’ve committed too many unconstitutional raids, cases and they’re smart enough to know it.

They know they shouldn’t dress up as gustapo and go raid a white collar anything.  That should be reserved for truly dangerous people.  Even the mafia didn’t have to be arrested that way… You’ve got to get the justice system straight…

About the Democrat Party, Guiliani says their principles are “greed and Marxism,” which is why they never disagree on anything.   Then, about the FBI, Rudy says:

…I believe he has to go in.  I’m a big proponent of changing even names and I think the FBI’s name has to change. You don’t want to hear FBI anymore.  It invokes too many fascist acts, particularly the Jan 6 people.

Then, on Jan 6, Rudy shares:

I don’t know how you run an insurrection.  First of all, no one comes with a gun.  How you going to take over the United States without guns?  It’s ridiculous.  There’s no plans.  They never discovered a plan, like ok.  What was the plan for insurrection?  An insurrection has to have a plan.  And then you’re doing it remotely, what is it a virtual insurrection?  A virtual insurrection without weapons against the biggest military power in the world!  And, you don’t have a single word from anybody about taking over the government.

Listen to this interview of the Joe Hoft Show beginning at the 16:50 minute mark.

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