Home Politics Tens of Thousands of Pro-Palestinian Protestors March in DC (VIDEO) | The...

Tens of Thousands of Pro-Palestinian Protestors March in DC (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit


Tens of thousands of pro-Hamas/Palestinian demonstrators marched in downtown DC on Saturday demanding a ‘cease fire.’

“We’re here to say we support freedom for Palestine,” ANSWER Coalition media coordinator Walter Smolarek said, according to NBC Washington. “We’re here to demand a cease-fire now. We demand an end to the massacre of civilians in Gaza.”

“We’re gathered here because we believe that the Palestinian people have the right to live in freedom, have the right to live in peace and without being subjected to constant bombardments, to constant imprisonment, harassment, the occupation of their land,” Smolarek said.

A massive group of protesters took over downtown DC.


The pro-Palestinian demonstrators gathered at Freedom Plaza.


The crowd is chanting: “We don’t want no two-state, we want ’48!”


Muslim men were engaged in Islamic prayer in Freedom Plaza. Make no mistake about it, there is nothing peaceful about a massive group of Muslim men called to prayer in public. This is an act of aggression toward the U.S. and Israel.

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