Home Politics U.S. House Clerk Announces Nancy Pelosi Gets Served Subpoena in Third-Party Criminal...

U.S. House Clerk Announces Nancy Pelosi Gets Served Subpoena in Third-Party Criminal Case in California (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit


United States House Clerk Tylease Alli announced Rep. Nancy Pelosi was served a subpoena in a third-party criminal case in California.

House Clerk Tylease Alli read a letter from Pelosi on the House floor which said “I the honorable Nancy Pelosi the Representative of the 11th Congressional District of California have been served with third party subpoenas.”

Alli continued reading the subpoenas, “From the prosecution and defendant to produce documents in a criminal case in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California.”

The letter from Pelosi continued “After consultation with the Office of General Counsel I have determined that compliance with the subpoena is consistent with the privedges and the rights of the House.”


Many are speculating the subpoenas stem from the upcoming federal kidnapping and assault trial of David DePape, who is the man who attacked Nancy’s Pelosi’s husband Paul.

As The Gateway Pundit reported back in October of 2022, David DePape allegedly broke into the Pelosis’ San Francisco home and attacked Paul Pelosi with a hammer.

There have been many questions that have not been answered regarding Paul’s attack that DePape’s trial may answer.

The case will be held in the Northern District of California the same court that Nancy Pelosi received subpoenaes from.

Read more about Paul’s attack below:

Observations on the Paul Pelosi/David DePape Videos – What Looks Weird and What’s Missing?


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