Home Politics HEROES — MUST SEE VIDEO: US Political Prisoner Jake Lang Describes Saving...

HEROES — MUST SEE VIDEO: US Political Prisoner Jake Lang Describes Saving Philip Anderson’s Life on J6 – This Was After Regime Arrested Philip Earlier this Week after They Nearly Killed Him (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit


Philip Anderson was the victim of shocking police brutality on January 6, 2021, outside the US Capitol. Philip nearly lost his life that day. Philip started speaking out about the horrific abuse by the US Capitol Police months after the attack.

Philip first reached out to The Gateway Pundit back in the summer of 2021.

Philip Anderson says the Capitol Police killed Rosanne Boyland. He knows this because he was next to her when she died. He was holding her hand. And Philip nearly died himself.
Activist Philip Anderson spoke with The Gateway Pundit on the Jan. 6 protests at the US Capitol and how the Capitol police murdered Rosanne Boyland and nearly took his life too.

This was an amazing eyewitness report that has been ignored by the fake news media because it does not fit their narrative. A black Trump supporter was gassed with clouds of pepper spray, pushed down, and then nearly trampled to death as police officers continued to push people on a pile outside the US Capitol.

Anderson described how Rosanne Boyland was the first woman killed by Capitol police that day. Ashli Babbitt was the second woman killed by police.

** Please donate to Philip Anderson so he can defend himself. His family needs the support.

Philip Anderson is lucky to be alive. He was dragged from under a pile of bodies when the police viciously sprayed Trump supporters with an unknown liquid and then continued to push them on top of each other. Philip Anderson was knocked unconscious and dragged from the pile by Jake Lang.

This photo shows Philip Anderson unconscious and being dragged away by Trump supporter Jake Lang and others after being crushed under a pile on Jan. 6. Roseanne Boyland was next to him when she died that day. The police kept pushing Trump supporters on top of them. Philip was rescued. Rosanne didn’t make it. Police Officer Lila Morris beat her with a stick as she lay motionless on the cement outside the US Capitol.

The Gateway Pundit spoke with Philip Anderson in July 2021 — six months after the Jan. 6 protests and rally.

Philip Anderson was pushed down that day by police and was being trampled as police officers continued to shoot noxious gas at Trump supporters and push fellow protesters on top of a massive pile.  Philip later told The Gateway Pundit how he was holding Rosanne’s hand when she died.

Jake Lang has been languishing in prison without trial for over 1,000 days now.

Earlier this week Chris Wray’s FBI arrested Philip Anderson.  The regime charged him with several misdemeanors and locked Philip up.

This was after Philip agreed to testify for the J-6 prisoners who helped save his life and now are locked up in the DC Gulag.

They couldn’t kill Philip that day. Now they want to persecute him. His only crime was surviving the brutal police brutality that day.

On Thursday The Gateway Pundit spoke with Jake Lang.  Here is what Jake Lang told us about Philip Anderson.

We put the audio from our call with Jake Lang with the video of Jake saving Philip Anderson’s life that day.

** Please donate to Philip Anderson so he can defend himself. His family needs the support.

Both are heroes.

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