Home Fashion 5 Business-Core Accessories To Shop This Fall

5 Business-Core Accessories To Shop This Fall


Judging by the fall/winter 2023 collections, it’s time to take style inspiration from the corporate world, with power suits, cinched-waist blazers, and wide-leg trousers becoming protagonists for the cold weather seasons. These are all great and versatile items, but the trend really shines when it comes to accessories. Think about it: Any corporate baddie in the movies or television, from Working Girl’s Tess McGill to Succession’s Siobhan Roy, is always portrayed in heels or carrying a briefcase. It’s in the accessories that we get to see the level of professionalism, or at least, how serious they want to be taken. And when it comes to fall/winter fashion this year, it’s a similar story. 

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Harmony Evans
Harmony Evans is an award-winning author of Harlequin Kimani Romance, African-American romance, and so on. Harmony Evans is an award-winning author for Harlequin Kimani Romance, the leading publisher of African-American romance. Her 2nd novel, STEALING KISSES, will be released in November 2013. Harmony is a single mom to a beautiful, too-smart-for-her-own-good daughter, who makes her grateful for life daily. Her hobbies include cooking, baking, knitting, reading, and of course, napping and also review some of the best-selling and popular brands and services in the market and also write comprehensive blogs.


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